International Journal of Integrated Health Sciences (IJIHS) promotes medical research for clinician and others who treat and investigate health and medical problems. The Journal’s mission is to publish peer-reviewed original scientific articles and case reports relevant to clinical medicine and public health research.
The first and second publications in 2013 and 2014 were published annually. In 2015 IJIHS published twice in a year, in March and September. International Journal of Integrated Health Sciences is published by Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia.
IJIHS had online published version starting with Vol. 1 No. 1 with ISSN 2302-1381 of its print version and an online version from 2338-4506 under the policy of BRIN. IJIHS publishes a minimum of eight manuscripts in each publication. Since the March 2023 issue, the IJIHS journal publishes ten articles per issue.
International Journal of Integrated Health Sciences (IJIHS) is accredited by National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) and Managed by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia, with Third Grade (Peringkat 3, Sinta 3).
After discussions with our editors, starting with the 2024 issue, the International Journal of Integrated Health Sciences (IJIHS) will only accept clinical research articles and clinical case reports. We will not accept articles from the basic sciences. We hope this will help clinicians to publish their papers in our journal.
Abstracted and indexed in Portal Garuda, SINTA, Google Scholar, DRJI, EBSCO host, CiteFactor, BASE, Scilit, Crossref, DOAJ, Asian Citation Index (ACI), etc.
We are pleased to inform you that since July 2024, IJIHS has been indexed in the Asean Citation Index (ACI). We would like to thank you for your contributions to our journal that have enabled us to be recognized in the ACI index.
Vol 12, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Ankita Jawanpuria, Chinmaya Dash
Aditya Aggarwal, Amit Kumar Modi, K. Rimi Singh, Avinash Kumar Jha
Lalit Goyal, Saloni Gupta, Sachin Nagar, Vinay Bhargava
Sagar Rampure, Harsh Choraria, Krishna Hanchate, Sujay K Mahadik, Shrikant Deshpande
Arindam Ghosh, Debdeep Dasgupta, Susumna Biswas
Juliet Anitha Sean Martin, Karthikeyan Annadurai
Jovita Octa Meylinda, Ditia Fitri Arinda, Indah Yuliana, Desri Maulina Sari
Gita Fajri Gustya, Darrin Ananda Nugraha, Muhammad Ilham Dhiya Rakasiwi, Farchan Azzumar, Erlina Burhan
Ahmedz Widiasta, Kurnia Wahyudi, Dedi Rachmadi
Case Report
Davin Takaryanto, Gusti Fungani Harti, Amaylia Oehadian