Efek Interval Training terhadap Indeks Lee, Kadar Adiponektin, dan IL-6 pada Tikus Model Obesitas
Kenaikan berat badan pada tikus model obesitas yang tetap diberikan pakan tinggi lemak terus berlangsung, akan tetapi jenis aktivitas fisik yang tepat mungkin dapat memperlambatnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbedaan efek interval training tipe cepat, interval training tipe lambat, dan continuous training intensitas sedang terhadap berat badan, nilai indeks Lee, serta kadar adiponektin dan IL-6. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Farmakologi dan Terapi Fakutas Kedokteran Unpad pada bulan April–Mei 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan posttest-only control group design pada 28 ekor tikus model obesitas (indek Lee >0,30), kadar adiponektin dan IL-6 plasma diperiksa dengan metode ELISA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan interval training tipe lambat lebih baik dibanding dengan interval training tipe cepat, continuous training intensitas sedang dan kontrol, yaitu kenaikan berat badan (2,34% vs 10,79% vs 4,49% vs 7,58%, p=0,000), penurunan kadar adiponektin (9,04 vs 10,27 vs 10,57 vs 7,24 ng/mL, p=0,000), glukosa (101,91±7,1 vs 113,63±6,4 vs 144,03±9,0 vs 82,24±5,9 mg/dL, p=0,000), trigliserida (28,07±3,3 vs 34,14±5,7 vs 42,00±4,9 vs 17,34±2,7 mg/dL, p=0,000), peningkatan kadar IL-6 (60,29±3,1 vs 54,55±2,1 vs 50,76±4,1 vs 56,36±2,9 pg/mL, p=0,000), dan penurunan nilai indeks Lee (7,3% vs 3,6% vs 6,4% vs 5,2%, p=0,000). Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa aktivitas fisik interval training tipe lambat lebih baik dalam memperlambat kenaikan berat badan dan menurunkan nilai indeks Lee akibat peningkatan penggunaan adiponektin dan IL-6. [MKB. 2016;49(1):15–21]
Kata kunci: Adiponektin, IL-6, Indeks Lee, interval training, obesitas
Effects of Interval Training on Lee Index, Adiponectine, and Il-6 in Obese Rat Model
Weight gain increase in obese rats that are continuously fed with fat rich chow may be slowed downs by putting them on a training regimen. This study aimed to determine the differences between the effects of fast-type interval training, slow-type interval training, and moderate-intensity continuous training on weight gain, Lee index, adiponectine, and IL-6. Using a post-test only control group, this study involved 28 obese rats (Lee index values >0.30). Adiponectin and IL-6 levels were tested using ELISA. This research was conducted in Pharmacology and Therapeutic Laboratory of Faculty of Medicine Unpad in April–May 2014. The results showed that the slow-type interval training was the most effective training compared to the fast-type interval training, continuous training of moderate intensity, and control in slowing down the weight gain (2.34% vs 10.79% vs 4.49% vs 7.58%, p=0.000), which was also accompanied by the lowest level of blood glucose level (101.91±7.1 vs 113.63±6.4 vs 144.03±9.0 vs 82.24±5.9 mg/dL, p=0.000), triglyceride (28.07±3.3 vs 34.14±5.7 vs 42.00±4.9 vs 17.34±2.7 mg/dL, p=0.000) and adiponectin (9.04±0.5 vs 10.27±0.7 vs 10.57±0.7 vs 7.24±0.8 ng/ml, p=0.000) as well as the highest level of IL-6 (60.29±3.1 vs 54.55±2.1 vs 50.76±4.1 vs 56.36±2.9 pg/mL, p=0.000) and lowest Lee index score (7.3% vs 3.6% vs 6.4% vs 5.2%, p=0.000). The study concludes that the slow-type interval training is the best training when compared to other types of training in slowing down weight gain and lowering Lee index and increasing the use of adiponectin and IL-6. [MKB. 2016;49(1):15–21]
Key words: Adiponectin, IL-6, interval training, Lee index, obese
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15395/mkb.v49n1.983
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