Abstracting and Indexing

Majalah Kedokteran Bandung/Bandung Medical Journal (MKB)  is indexed and abstracted in:

  1. Garuda (DIKTI) [2018]
  2. Indonesia One Search [2017] 
  3. Google Scholar [2012]
  4. Sherpa/Romeo [2013]
  5. Sinta (Science and Technology Index) [2017]
  6. CrossRef/DOI (Digital Object Identifier) [2013]
  7. Worldcat [2013]
  8. Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) [2013]
  9. CiteFactor [2014]
  10. EBSCO Information Service [2015]
  11. Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) [2013]
  12. Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ) [2014]
  13. JournalTOC  [2018]
  14. Index Copernicus International [2020]
  15. Web of Science Master List Journal (ESCI) [2020]
  16. Dimensions [2019]
  17. Scilit [2020]
  18. WOS info
  19. NML Catalog