Interaksi Antibodi Monoklonal Nimotuzumab dengan Reseptor HER-1 yang Diekspresikan Glioma Serebri
Human epidermal receptor (HER-1) merupakan anggota famili epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) yang banyak diekspresikan glioma. Interaksi HER-1 dengan antibodi monoklonal (Mab) merupakan salah satu pendekatan untuk diagnosis dikaitkan dengan kespesifikan interaksinya yang lebih terarah dalam mencapai target molekul. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis interaksi antara antibodi monoklonal nimotuzumab dan reseptor HER-1 yang diekspresikan glioma serebri. Penelitian menggunakan metode studi analitik korelasional dengan rancangan eksperimental untuk menilai interaksi antibodi monoklonal nimotuzumab (Mab) dengan reseptor HER-1 yang diekspresikan cell-line glioma. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Pusat Radioisotop dan Radiofarmaka (PRR) Badan Tenaga Atom Nasional, Serpong Tangerang periode Januari−Juli 2012. Subjek penelitian cell-line glioma yang didapat dari American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), diinkubasi dengan sejumlah nimotuzumab dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda-beda secara berturut-turut 0,22; 0,11; 0,055; 0,0275; 0,01375 pM, selanjutnya dilakukan penentuan interaksi nimotuzumab dengan HER-1 secara in vitro menggunakan Formula Scatchard. Nilai interaksi ditunjukkan dengan nilai tetapan disosiasi dan kerapatan reseptor dengan nilai Bmax. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan korelasi kuat antara konsentrasi nimotuzumab dan HER-1 yang diekspresikan glioma serebri (r=0,922;p<0,001). Nilai Kd nimotuzumab didapatkan 6x10-7 M dan nilai Bmax sebesar 1,64x10-5 mol/mg protein. Simpulan, terdapat interaksi antara antibodi monoklonal nimotuzumab dan reseptor HER-1 yang diekspresikan cell-line glioma serebri. [MKB. 2013;45(2):86–90]
Kata kunci: Afinitas pengikatan, antibodi monoklonal, glioma, HER-1, nimotuzumab
Interaction of Nimotuzumab Monoclonal Antibody with Human Epidermal Receptor-1 Expressed by Cerebral Glioma
Human epidermal receptor (HER-1) is a family member of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) which is widely expressed in glioma. Interaction of the monoclonal antibody with the HER-1 is a diagnosis approach which is associated with the specificities of a more targeted interactions in reaching the target molecule. This study aims to analyze the interaction between nimotuzumab monoclonal antibody and HER-1 receptor expressed by cerebral gliomas. This study is using correlational analytic studies with an experimental design to assess the interaction of nimotuzumab monoclonal antibody to HER-1 expressed by glioma cell line. This research was conducted in Center for Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals Laboratory, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Serpong, Tangerang in January–July 2012. Subjects were glioma cell lines obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)which were incubated with nimotuzumab in different concentrations, i.e. 0.22, 0.11, 0.055, 0.0275, 0.01375 pM, respectively. Furthermore, the determination of the in vitro interaction of nimotuzumab with HER-1 was conducted using Scatchard formula. The value of the interaction is shown by the value of the dissociation constant and receptor density indicated by the Bmax value. The results showed a strong correlation between the concentration of nimotuzumab with HER-1 expressed by cerebral gliomas (r=0.922, p<0.001). Thenimotuzumab Kd value obtained was 6x10-7 M while the Bmax value was 1.64 x10-5 mol/mg proteins. In conclusion, there is an interaction between monoclonal antibody nimotuzumab with HER-1 expressed by the cerebral glioma cell line. [MKB. 2013;45(2):86–90]
Key words: Binding affinity, glioma, HER-1, monoclonal antibodies, nimotuzumab
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