Pengaruh Heat Treatment untuk Mengembalikan Sifat Mekanik Kawat T-loop Segmental Stainless Steel terhadap Besaran Gaya yang Dihasilkan

Avi Lavina, Tono S. Hambali, Bergman Thahar, Endah Mardiati


Prosedur heat treatment dengan suhu dan teknik yang tepat pada pegas T-loop segmental stainless steel dapat mengembalikan sifak-sifat mekanik kawat yang menurun akibat prosedur pembengkokan kawat. Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan gaya yang dihasilkan oleh pegas T-loop segmental stainless steel tanpa dan dengan heat treatment pada suhu 4500C selama 15 menit,  dengan berbagai jarak aktivasi dan gable. Desain penelitian adalah eksperimental laboratoris murni secara in vitro. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kimia Murni FMIPA ITB pada tahun 2006. Sampel adalah 50 buah pegas T-loop segmental dengan gable: 0°–0°, 7,5°–7,5°; 15°–15°; 22,5°–22,5°; 30–30°, terdiri atas 25 pegas tanpa  heat treated  dan 25 pegas dengan heat treated. Gaya diukur menggunakan autograph pada jarak tarik 1, 2, dan 3 mm, serta hasilnya dilakukan analisis statistik ANOVA dengan desain faktorial 2 x 3 x 5 dan 5 replikasi tiap sel serta uji posthoc Student Newman Keuls dan Tukey. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan heat treated dibanding dengan tanpa heat treated serta interaksi antara perlakuan heat treatment dan gable memberikan efek yang signifikan terhadap gaya yang dihasilkan (p<0,05). Simpulan, heat treatment pada T-loop stainless steel menghasilkan efek berupa penurunan besar gaya yang dihasilkan. [MKB. 2015;47(3):167–73]

Kata kunci: Gaya, heat treatment, T-loop

The Effect of Heat Treatment on Mechanical Properties in Restoring Stainless Steel Segmental T-Loop towards the Force Created


Heat-treatment procedure with  precise temperature and technique on the stainless-steel segmental T-loop retraction spring can restore the mechanical properties that decreases after a wire-bending process. The goal of this study was to compare the force produced by a stainless-steel segmental T-loop spring without and with heat-treatment on 4500C for 15 minutes, with various activation distance and gable. The design of the study was in-vitro laboratory experimental design. This study was performed at the Chemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Science, ITB in 2006. Sample included 50 segmental T-loop springs with α and β angle of 0°–0°, 7.5°–7.5°, 15°–15°, and 22.5°–22.5°, and  30°–30° which consisted of 25 springs without heat-treatment and 25 springs with heat-treatment. Force was measured using autograph with a retraction distance of 1, 2, and 3 mm and the results were gained from ANOVA statistics analysis with a factorial design of 2x3x5 and 5 replications for each cell and posthoc Student Newman Keuls and Tukey test. The result of the statistic test showed that heat-treatment compared to no heat-treatment and interaction between heat-treatment and gable gives significant effect to the force created (p-value <0.05). In conclusion, the heat-treatment on the stainless steel T-loop produces an effect  to decrease the created force. [MKB. 2015;47(3):167–73]

Key words: Force, heat-treatment, T-loop




Gaya, heat treatment, T-loop

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