Teknik Lem Fibrin Otologus pada Cangkok Konjungtiva Bulbi Mata Kelinci
Lem Fibrin Komersial (LFK) sebagai biomaterial adhesif yang terbuat dari plasma beku segar donor dan bovine sudah teruji mempunyai berbagai kelebihan dibanding jahitan pada penempelan cangkok konjungtiva bulbi penderita pterigium. LFK belum tersedia di Indonesia sehingga peneliti termotivasi untuk membuat Lem Fibrin Otologus (LFO) yang terbuat langsung dari darah penderita itu sendiri. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui efektivitas teknik LFO terhadap teknik jahitan pada penempelan cangkok konjungtiva bulbi. Dilakukan uji eksperimental hewan di laboratorium Bio Farma Bandung terhadap 24 kelinci New Zealand White, terbagi menjadi kelompok teknik LFO dan jahitan masing-masing 12 mata, periode September – Desember 2006. Penilaian meliputi lama operasi dalam skala menit serta attachment cangkok konjungtiva bulbi pada hari pertama dan satu minggu pascabedah. Analisis uji statistik secara Mann Whitney dan Wilcoxon rank test. Lama operasi teknik LFO secara bermakna lebih singkat dibanding jahitan (p=0,0001), sedangkan attachment jaringan cangkok pada teknik LFO lebih besar dibanding jahitan (p=0,0001). Penilaian hari pertama dan satu minggu pascabedah pada teknik LFO mempunyai nilai stabil sedangkan pada teknik jahitan terdapat perbedaan (p=0,0174). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah aplikasi teknik LFO lebih efektif dibanding teknik jahitan, karena lebih singkat dan attachment lebih baik serta stabil. [MKB. 2009;41(4):169-73].
Kata kunci: Lem fibrin otologus, teknik jahitan, plasma beku darah, cangkok konjungtiva bulbi
Bulbar Conjunctival Graft Using an Autologous Fibrin Glue in Rabbit Eyes
Commercial Fibrin Glue (CFG) as a biomaterial adhesive from fresh frozen plasma donor and bovine has been tested having various superiorities compared to suturing in bulbar conjunctiva grafting of pterygium surgery. Due to CFG has not been available in Indonesia led the author to make an Autologous Fibrin Glue (AFG) directly from patient's own blood. The study aim was to investigate the effectiveness of AFG attachment. This study was an animal experimental, conducted in 24 New Zealand White rabbits divided into AFG group and suturing group of 12 rabbits each, held in Laboratory of Bio Farma, Bandung, from September to December 2006. The assessment included duration (in minute) of AFG compared to suturing techniques, also at first day and one week post grafting attachments in bulbar conjunctiva grafting. The statistical analysis used Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon rank test. In time duration of surgical treatment, AFG technique was significantly shorter than suturing technique (p=0.0001), while first day and one week post grafting AFG attachment showed significantly greater than those of suturing attachment (p=0.0001). In the meantime, first day and one week post grafting AFG attachment was steady state, whereas in suturing technique was different (p=0.0174). In conclusion, AFG technique is more effective than suturing technique in bulbar conjunctiva grafting because of shorter surgical duration, excellent and stable graft attachment. [MKB. 2009;41(4):169-73].
Key words: Autologous fibrin glue, suturing technique, fresh frozen plasma, bulbar conjunctival grafting
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.15395/n
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