Ekspresi Human Leukocyte Antigen-G (HLA-G) dan Heat-Shock Protein-70 (Hsp-70) pada Pertumbuhan Janin Terhambat

Sri Sulistyowati, Anak Agung Eka


Pertumbuhan janin terhambat (PJT) merupakan salah satu penyebab utama tingginya morbiditas dan mortalitas perinatal. Maladaptasi imun berakibat gangguan invasi trofoblas dan remodeling arteri spiralis yang akan menyebabkan hipoksia pada jaringan plasenta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ekspresi human leukocyte antigen-G (HLA-G) dan heat-shock protein-7 (Hsp-70) pada trofoblas PJT dan hamil normal, dengan menggunakan metode observasional analitik dan pendekatan potong lintang. Penelitian dilakukan di Bagian Obstetri dan Ginekologi Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, mulai bulan November‒Desember 2011. Jumlah sampel 30, terdiri atas 15 sampel trofoblas pada PJT dan 15 sampel trofoblas pada kehamilan normal. Pada semua sampel dilakukan pemeriksaan ekspresi HLA-G dan Hsp-70 dengan imunohistokimia. Analisis data menggunakan uji-t. Ekspresi HLA-G rata-rata pada kelompok PJT sebesar 32,42±8,90, sedangkan ekspresi HLA-G rata-rata pada kelompok kehamilan normal 43,92±14,91 (p=0,016). Ekspresi Hsp-70 pada kelompok PJT 2,4355+0,26647 dan kelompok kehamilan normal 1,5920+0,17142 (p=0,008). Simpulan, pada PJT ekspresi HLA-G lebih rendah dan ekspresi Hsp-70 lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kehamilan normal. [MKB. 2014;46(1):22–7]

Kata kunci: HLA-G, Hsp-70, pertumbuhan janin terhambat

Human Leukocyte Antigen-G (HLA-G) and Heat-Shock Protein-70 (Hsp-70) Expression on Intra Uterine Growth Retardation

Intra uterine growth retardation (IUGR) is one of the leading causes of higher morbidity and mortality in perinatal. Immune maladaptation affects trophoblast invasion and spiralis arteria remodeling that will cause placental tissue hypoxia. This research aimed to analyze human leukocyte antigen-G (HLA-G) and heat-shock protein-70 (Hsp-70) expression on the IUGR trophoblast and normal pregnancy, by applying analytical observational method and cross sectional approach. This research was conducted at the Obstetric and Gynecology Department of Dr. Moewardi Hospital Surakarta from November to December 2011. The total samples were 30, divided into two groups. There were 15 samples trophoblast on IUGR and 15 samples trophoblast from normal pregnancy. All samples were tested for HLA-G and Hsp-70 using immunohistochemistry. The data were analyzed by using t-test. The mean of HLA-G expression on the IUGR groups was 32.42±8.90 and on the normal pregnancy groups was 43.92±14.91 (p=0.016). Heat-shock protein70 expression on the IUGR groups was 2.4355+0.26647 and on the normal pregnancy groups was 1.5920+0.17142 with p=0.008. In conclusion, in IUGR, the HLA-G expression is lower and the Hsp-70 expression is higher than in normal pregnancy. [MKB. 2014;46(1):22–7]

Key words: HLA-G, Hsp-70, intra uterine growth retardation


DOI: 10.15395/mkb.v46n1.223

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