Effect of Acute Aerobic Physical Activity on Skeletal Muscle MyoD Gene Expression of Wistar Rats
Aerobic physical activity is known to induce skeletal muscle adaptation. Some genes, including MyoD, are known to have a major role in the process of muscle adaptation. Several studies has stated that the expression of MyoD increases during the aerobic activity process; however, the studies were carried out in a single bout. Studies on the effects of acute phase exercise (<2 weeks) are still rare, especially those regarding the difference effect of acute training phase at different times. This study was performed in 2018 at the Central Laboratory and Animal Physiology Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran. The aim of this study was to determine the different effects of MyoD gene expression in a two-week acute aerobic physical activity. The effects were measured in the skeletal muscle in day 3, 7, and 14 of the activity. Twenty four male rats (rattus novergicus) were divided into 4 groups. Those rats in the treatment groups were run on an animal treadmill (P1=3 days, P2=7 days, and P3=14 days). On the last day of ran, rats were sacrificed and the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles were dissected. The expression of the MyoD gene in both muscles was then amplified using reversed PCR and detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. This study showed that there were differencesin MyoD gene expression levels in both muscles and that the level increased with days of treatment, although it was statistically insignificant. This study concludes that the MyoD gene expression level is not significantly affected by an acute aerobic physical activity in certain periods (3, 7 and 14 days).
Key words: Acute, Aerobic physical activity, gastrocnemius, MyoD, rats, soleus
Perbedaan Pengaruh Aktivitas Aerobik Akut Intensitas Sedang terhadap Ekspresi Gen MyoD pada Otot Rangka Tikus Galur Wistar
Aktivitas fisik aerobik diketahui menginduksi adaptasi otot rangka. Beberapa gen diketahui memiliki peran utama dalam proses adaptasi otot termasuk MyoD. Dalam beberapa penelitian diketahui bahwa ekspresi MyoD meningkat selama proses aktivitas aerobik, tetapi penelitian dilakukan dalam pertarungan tunggal. Penelitian tentang efek latihan fase akut (<2 minggu) masih belum banyak dilakukan, terutama mengenai perbedaan efek fase latihan akut pada periode tertentu (3, 7, dan 14 hari). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 2018 di Laboratorium Sentral dan Laboratorium Fisiologi Hewan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perbedaan efek ekspresi gen MyoD dalam aktivitas fisik aerobik akut pada berbagai hari (3, 7, 14 hari) pada otot rangka. 24 tikus jantan Rattus novergicus dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok. Kelompok perlakuan dijalankan dengan treadmill hewan (P1=3 hari, P2=7 hari, dan P3=14 hari). Pada hari terakhir, tikus dikorbankan dengan soleus dan otot gastroknemius dibedah. Ekspresi gen MyoD pada kedua otot kemudian diamplifikasi menggunakan PCR terbalik dan dideteksi dengan elektroforesis gel agarosa. Penelitian ini menunjukkan perbedaan level ekspresi gen MyoD pada kedua otot, hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan level perawatan per hari, walaupun secara statistik tidak signifikan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pada otot gastrocnemius tidak terlihat efek yang berbeda dari durasi aktivitas fisik aerobik terhadap tingkat ekspresi gen MyoD, hanya otot soleus menunjukkan perubahan dan peningkatan ekspresi konsisten terlihat pada hari ke 14 (3, 7, dan 14 hari).
Kata kunci: Aktivitas fisik aerobik, akut, gastroknemius, MyoD, soleus, tikus
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15395/mkb.v51n1.1665
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