Efikasi Fortifikasi Cookies Ubi Jalar untuk Perbaikan Status Anemia Siswi Sekolah
Selain suplementasi tablet besi, fortifikasi pangan lokal diperlukan sebagai alternatif program untuk perbaikan status besi. Tujuan penelitian ialah menguji efikasi fortififikasi cookies ubi jalar untuk peningkatan hemoglobin (Hb) pada siswi sekolah. Studi dilakukan dengan desain pre-post intervention study, yang melibatkan 74 siswi SMK Pelita Kabupaten Bogor. Studi dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei–Juli 2012. Cookies ubi jalar difortifikasi dengan 10,5 mg vitamin A, 42 μg vitamin B12, 1,25 g vitamin C, 2 mg asam folat, dan besi fumarat 150 mg per 100 g Cookies sebanyak 40 g diberikan seminggu tiga kali selama dua bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar Hb rata-rata sebelum intervensi 13,4±1,4 g/dL. Setelah intervensi, terdapat perubahan kadar Hb 0,4±1,6 g/dL dan sebanyak 65,2% subjek mengalami kenaikan Hb. Kenaikan Hb ini tidak memengaruhi prevalensi anemia yang sedikit meningkat dari 10,8% menjadi 18,8% dan secara statistik tidak nyata (p>0,05). Simpulan, intervensi fortifikasi cookies ubi jalar selama dua bulan tidak menurunkan prevalensi anemia pada anak sekolah. Disarankan studi berikutnya untuk menambah waktu intervensi dan menggunakan indikator status besi lainnya. [MKB. 2013;45(4):206–12]
Kata kunci: Anemia, cookies, fortifikasi, siswi, ubi jalar
Efficacy of Fortified Sweet Potato Cookies for Improving Anemia Status in Female Students
Local food fortification for improving iron status is one of the alternative programs in addition to iron tablet supplementation. The objective of this study was to analyze the efficacy of fortified sweet potato cookies for improving hemoglobin (Hb) concentrations in female students. The pre-post intervention study was applied to 74 female students of SMK Pelita in Bogor District. The study was conducted from May to July 2012. The sweet potato cookies used were fortified with 10.5 mg vitamin A, 42 μg vitamin B12, 1.25 g vitamin C, 2 mg folic acid, and 150 mg iron fumarate per 100 g cookies. Subjects received 40 g cookies three times a week for two months. The average Hb concentration before intervention was 13.4±1.4 g/dL. After intervention, there was an increase in hemoglobin concentration (mean 0.4±1.6 g/dL). About 65.2% subjects experienced increase in their Hb concentration. However, after the intervention the anemia prevalence slightly increased from 10.8% to 18.8% although this increase is not statistically significant (p>0.05). In conclusion, fortified sweet potato cookies intervention for two months does not reduce anemia prevalence in female students. Further studies are required by extending intervention times and applying other indicators of iron status. [MKB. 2013;45(4):206–12]
Key words: Anemia, cookies, fortification, schoolgirls, sweet potato
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