Perbandingan Pemberian Topikal Aqueous Leaf Extract of Carica Papaya (ALEC) dan Madu Khaula Terhadap Percepatan Penyembuhan Luka Sayat pada Kulit Mencit (Mus musculus)

Januarsih Iwan, Nur Atik


Madu dan pepaya telah lama dipercaya oleh masyarakat kita memiliki efek penyembuhan luka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan percepatan penyembuhan luka sayat yang diberikan Aqueous Leaf Extract of Carica Papaya (ALEC) dengan madu Khaula. Penelitian dilakukan pada periode November 2006-April 2007 di Laboratorium Bagian Histologi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung. Subjek penelitian eksperimental ini berupa mencit jantan galur ddy dibagi dalam 3 kelompok (setiap kelompok terdiri dari 9 mencit), kelompok gel solcoseryl sebagai kontrol standar, ALEC 10% dalam vaselin dan madu 1,0 g sebagai kelompok perlakuan. Mencit dibuat luka sayat pada daerah punggung kemudian diberikan pengobatan topikal sesuai dengan kelompoknya. Untuk melihat perubahan histologi kulit mencit dikorbankan pada hari ke-4, ke-7, dan ke-10 setelah perlukaan. Data berupa gambaran histologi kulit berdasarkan regenerasi epidermis, ketebalan granulasi jaringan dan angiogenesis, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji parametric independent T-test dengan nilai p< 0,05. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok kontrol dan ALEC 10% dalam vaselin melalui tiga parameter di atas. Perbandingan antara kelompok kontrol dan madu Khaula menunjukkan perbedaan hanya pada regenerasi epidermis dan angiogenesis. Penggunaan ALEC 10% dalam vaselin dan penggunaan madu Khaula pada luka menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna pada regenerasi epidermis (rata-rata 2,19 (0,81) untuk ALEC 10% dan 2,67 (0,67) untuk kelompok madu, nilai p < 0,001) dan ketebalan jaringan granulasi (rata-rata 2,99 (0,94) untuk ALEC 10% dan 3,23 (0,99) untuk kelompok madu, nilai p 0,038). Hasil ini menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antara ALEC dan madu Khaula dalam percepatan penyembuhan luka, khususnya percepatan regenerasi epidermis dan granulasi jaringan.


The Comparation Between Topical Aplication of the Aqueous Leaf Extract of Carica Papaya (ALEC) & Khaula Honey in Accelerating Skin Wound Healing in Mice

Topical application of papaya and honey has been hypothesized to accelerate skin wound healing. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the differences between topical application of the ALEC and Khaula Honey in accelerating skin wound healing in mice. The experiment took place in Histology Laboratory, School of Medicine, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, November 2006-April 2007.The prospective experimental method was held in 10 days. Subjects were male ddy mice divided into 3 groups (each consisted of 9 mices), which were control group solcoseryl jelly, 10% ALEC in vaseline and 1.0 g Khaula honey treated group. The comparisons in accelerating skin wound healing were investigated by using full thickness skin wound model produced on the back of the mice. Solcoseryl jelly was applied topically to wound of group 1, group 2 and group 3 mice were treated topically with 10% ALEC in vaseline and Khaula honey, respectively. The mice were sacrificed on 4th, 7th, and 10th day of post wounding for evaluating the histological changes. Data was obtained by microscopically analysis of the skin based on the epidermal regeneration, granulation tissues thickness and angiogenesis and then analyzed by using parametric independent T-test. The level for statistical significant was set p < 0.05. The result of this experiment showed that there were significant difference between control group and ALEC10% in vaseline in three mentioned above. Comparison between control and Khaula honey showed differences only in epidermal regeneration and angiogenesis. Wound treated with ALEC 10% in vaseline and Khaula honey group showed significantly difference in epidermal regeneration (mean 2.19 (0.81) for ALEC 10% and 2.67 (0.67) for honey group, p value < 0.001) and granulation tissues thickness (mean 2.99 (0.94) for ALEC 10% and 3.23 (0.99) for honey group, p value 0.038).These result documented the differences of ALEC and Khaula honey for the acceleration of wound healing process in full thickness skin wound especially in epidermal regeneration and granulation tissues thickness.


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