Pemberian Terapi Oksigen Hiperbarik Tidak Memberikan Pengaruh Positif pada Ketebalan Endometrium pada Tikus Model Sindrom Ovari Polikistik dengan Resistensi Insulin
Sindrom ovari polikistik (SOPK) meningkatkan risiko hiperplasia dan keganasan endometrium. Faktor yang memicu kejadian tersebut adalah hiperandrogen, anovulasi kronik, dan hiperinsulinemia. Terapi oksigen hiperbarik (TOHB) diketahui memberikan manfaat positif bagi sensitivitas insulin. Berdasar atas hal tersebut maka ingin diketahui pengaruh terapi oksigen hiperbarik terhadap endometrium pada tikus model SOPK resistensi insulin. Untuk mengetahui hal tersebut maka dilakukan penelitian dengan desain post-test only control group menggunakan 28 tikus betina (Rattus norvegicus strain Wistar) yang kemudian dibagi menjadi empat kelompok: Kelompok normal, SOPK, TOHB 5 sesi dengan SOPK dan TOHB 10 sesi dengan SOPK. Model tikus SOPK diperoleh dengan menyuntikkan testosteron propionat 10 mg/100 gram bobot/ kali selama 28 hari berturut-turut. Pada tikus normal diberikan suntikan propilen glikol sebanyak 1 mL selama 28 hari. Dilakukan pengukuran ketebalan endometrium secara histopatologik. Penelitian dilakukan di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga, dan LAKESLA TNI AL Drs. Med. R. Riyadi S, Phys pada periode Juni-September 2016. Didapatkan ketebalan endometrium pada kelompok normal (mean ± SD) (µm)) 1.109,98 ± 53,96; kelompok SOPK 35.651,47 ± 400,54; kelompok TOHB 5 sesi dengan SOPK 2.266,13 ±2 62,08; dan kelompok TOHB 10 sesi dengan SOPK 2.144,83 ± 305,83. Kelompok SOPK memiliki endometrium lebih tebal dibanding dengan kelompok normal. Tidak terdapat perbedaan ketebalan endometrium pascapemberian TOHB 5 sesi maupun 10 sesi.
Kata kunci: Hiperplasia endometrium, sindrom ovari polikistik, terapi oksigen hiperbarik
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Does Not Improve the Endometrial Thickness in PCOS Rat with Insulin Resistance Model
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) increases the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and malignancy. Chronic anovulation, hyperandrogen, and hyperinsulinemia are known as the pathogenesis of endometrial hyperplasia and malignancy in PCOS women. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has positive effects to improve peripheral insulin sensitivity. This study aimed to understand the effect of HBOT on endometrial thickness in PCOS rat with insulin resistance model. A laboratory experimental study was conducted involving twenty-eight healthy female rats divided into 4 groups: normal group, PCOS group, 5 session HBOT PCOS group, and 10 Session HBOT PCOS group. To induce a PCOS rat model with insulin resistance, testosterone propionate (10 mg/100-gram body weight) was administered for 28 days. Normal group was administered with 1 mL propylene glycol. Histopathological evaluation of endometrium of all groups was performed. This study was conducted in June-September 2016 in the School of Medicine Airlangga University, School of Veterinary Medicine Airlangga University, and LAKESLA TNI AL Drs. Med. R. Riyadi S, Phys. The endometrial thickness (mean ± SD (µm)) of the normal, PCOS p, 5-session HBOT PCOS, and 10-session HBOT PCOS were 1,109.98 ± 53.96, 35,651.47 ± 400.54, 2,266.13 ± 262.08, and 2,144.83 ± 305.83, respectively. The endometrium of PCOS group was thicker than that of the normal group. Five and ten sessions do not decrease the endometrial thickness when compared to PCOS group.
Key words: Endometrial hyperplasia, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, polycystic ovary syndrome
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