Perbedaan Efektivitas Analgetik antara Kombinasi Ketoprofen Supositoria-Parasetamol Oral dan Meperidin Intravena Pascaoperasi Laparaskopi
Nyeri akut pascaoperasi didefinisikan sebagai rasa nyeri yang muncul setelah prosedur pembedahan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan efek kombinasi ketoprofen supositoria+parasetamol oral dengan meperidin intravena sebagai analgetik pascaoperasi laparaskopi. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji klinik acak tersamar tunggal pada 36 pasien yang dilakukan operasi laparaskopi dan memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Penelitian dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Dr. Moewardi Surakarta sejak Februari hingga Juli 2019. Sampel dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kombinasi ketoprofen supositoria+parasetamol oral (K) dan meperidin intravena (P). Semua pasien mendapatkan perlakuan anestesi umum sesuai dengan standar dan kemudian dilakukan penilaian skala nyeri berkala pascaoperasi. Skala nyeri pascaoperasi mulai jam ke-2 sampai ke-24 pada kelompok K (nyeri ringan 80–90%) dan P (nyeri ringan 100%). Data yang didapatkan diuji menggunakan Uji Mann-Whitney. Perbandingan skala nyeri kelompok K dengan P menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan pada jam ke-6. Skor PONV pada kelompok K (mual ringan 50%, mual sedang 5%) dan P (muntah 16% dan mual berat 40–45%). Simpulan, terdapat perbedaan skala nyeri antara kombinasi ketoprofen supositoria-parasetamol oral (K) dan meperidin intravena (P) pascaoperasi laparaskopi terutama jam ke-6 pascaoperasi. Meperidine intravena dapat digunakan sebagai analgetik yang efektif untuk nyeri pascaoperasi laparaskopi dengan efek samping PONV lebih besar.
Differences in Analgesic Effectiveness between Ketoprofen Suppository-Oral Paracetamol Combination and Intravenous Meperidine Post Laparoscopic Surgery
Postoperative acute pain is defined as pain that occurs in a patient after a surgical procedure. This study used a single-blind randomized clinical trial in 36 patients who underwent laparoscopic surgery and met the inclusion criteria. The samples were divided into two groups: oral ketoprofen suppository-paracetamol combination (K) and intravenous meperidine (P). All patients received standard general anesthetic treatment for the periodic postoperative assessment, and the periodic postoperative pain scale was assessed. The postoperative pain scale started at 2 to 24 hours in groups K (80–90% mild pain) and P (100% mild pain). A comparison of pain scales in groups K and P showed a significant difference at 6 hours. PONV scores in groups K (50% mild nausea, 5% moderate nausea) and P (16% vomiting and 40–45% severe nausea). In conclusion, there is a significant difference in pain scale between oral suppository-paracetamol (K) ketoprofen and intravenous meperidine (P) combination after laparoscopic surgery, especially at 6 hours postoperatively. Intravenous meperidine can be an effective analgesic for postoperative laparoscopic pain with more significant PONV side effects.
Differences in Analgesic Effectiveness between Ketoprofen Suppository-Oral Paracetamol Combination and Intravenous Meperidine Post Laparoscopic Surgery
Postoperative acute pain is defined as pain that occurs in a patient after a surgical procedure. This study used a single-blind randomized clinical trial in 36 patients who underwent laparoscopic surgery and met the inclusion criteria. The samples were divided into two groups: oral ketoprofen suppository-paracetamol combination (K) and intravenous meperidine (P). All patients received standard general anesthetic treatment for the periodic postoperative assessment, and the periodic postoperative pain scale was assessed. The postoperative pain scale started at 2 to 24 hours in groups K (80–90% mild pain) and P (100% mild pain). A comparison of pain scales in groups K and P showed a significant difference at 6 hours. PONV scores in groups K (50% mild nausea, 5% moderate nausea) and P (16% vomiting and 40–45% severe nausea). In conclusion, there is a significant difference in pain scale between oral suppository-paracetamol (K) ketoprofen and intravenous meperidine (P) combination after laparoscopic surgery, especially at 6 hours postoperatively. Intravenous meperidine can be an effective analgesic for postoperative laparoscopic pain with more significant PONV side effects.
Kombinasi ketoprofen-parasetamol, laparaskopi, meperidin, PONV
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