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Author Guidelines
Editorial Board of Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif (JAP), Departemen/SMF Anestesiologi dan Terapi Intensif Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran/Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin, Jalan Pasteur No. 38 Bandung 40161 Indonesia
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Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif (JAP) merupakan jurnal publikasi ilmiah yang terbit setiap empat bulan dengan menggunakan system peer review untuk seleksi artikel. Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif (JAP) menerima artikel penelitian asli yang relevan dengan bidang anestesiologi dan terapi intensif dan laporan kasus anestesi dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
Artikel Penelitian
>Artikel penelitian asli di bidang anestesiologi dan terapi intensif (anesthesiology and intensive care). Format artikel penelitian terdiri atas halaman judul dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris, abstrak dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris, pendahuluan, subjek dan metode, hasil, pembahasan, simpulan, dan daftar pustaka.
Laporan Kasus
Laporan kasus berisi tulisan mengenai penanganan kasus klinik menarik di bidang anestesiologi dan terapi intensif (anesthesiology and intensive care), baik penelitian dasar maupun penelitian terapan yang perlu disebarluaskan. Format laporan kasus terdiri judul dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris, abstrak dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris, pendahuluan, deskripsi kasus, pembahasan, simpulan, dan daftar pustaka.
Petunjuk Penyerahan Naskah
Semua naskah yang akan diterbitkan di JAP dikirim melalui situs website kami di dengan mendaftarkan akun terlebih dahulu. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai proses pengiriman, silahkan menghubungi sekretariat kami di
Petunjuk Umum
Untuk menghindari duplikasi, JAP tidak menerima artikel yang sudah dipublikasikan atau sedang diajukan kepada jurnal lain, dengan menandatangani surat pernyataan. Penulis harus memastikan bahwa semua penulis pembantu telah menyetujui. Bila diketahui artikel telah dimuat pada jurnal lain, maka artikel akan dianulir pada JAP edisi selanjutnya.
Semua artikel akan dibahas oleh para pakar dalam bidang keilmuan yang sesuai (peer review) dan dewan redaksi. Artikel yang perlu perbaikan akan dikembalikan kepada penulis. Artikel penelitian harus memperoleh persetujuan komite etik penelitian atau mempertimbangkan aspek etika penelitian yang dapat dipertanggung jawabkan.
Penulisan Artikel
Naskah diketik dengan format *.doc, *.docx, atau *.rtf pada kertas A4 dengan jarak kertas dari tepi kiri dan atas 4 cm serta di tepi kanan dan bawah 3 cm, jenis huruf Huruf Times New Roman ukuran 12, isi naskah ditulis dengan spasi ganda (double space). Jumlah halaman maksimal 20 lembar. Setiap halaman diberi nomor secara berurutan dimulai dari halaman judul sampai halaman terakhir.
Halaman Judul
Halaman judul berisi judul artikel dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris, nama penulis dengan gelar lengkap, nama institusi, nama dan alamat korespondensi, nomor telepon, nomor faksimili, serta alamat e-mail. Judul artikel bersifat ringkas, informatif, dan deskriftif.
Abstrak dan Kata Kunci
Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris. Abstrak bersifat konsisten dengan isi artikel dan self explanatory yang meliputi latar belakang penelitian secara ringkas, tujuan, bahan dan metode yang digunakan, hasil temuan serta simpulan. Abstrak ditulis dalam jarak 1 spasi dengan jumlah kata tidak lebih dari 200 kata untuk abstrak bahasa Indonesia dan 250 kata untuk abstrak bahasa inggris yang dilengkapi 3–5 kata kunci yang disusun berdasarkan abjad.
Pendahuluan menguraikan latar belakang dan tujuan penelitian yang tidak disusun dalam sub judul namun dituangkan dalam paragraf. Isi pendahuluan harus bisa mengantarkan pembaca untuk memahami dan sejalan dengan ide penulis bahwa penelitian yang dilakukan adalah perlu dan beralasan.
Pendahuluan biasanya terdiri atas 2–3 paragraf singkat dengan jumlah maksimal 20% dari seluruh artikel. Bagian pertama pendahuluan berisi latar belakang penelitian yang menjelaskan latar belakang situasi dan latar belakang kondisi termasuk fakta-fakta yang relevan untuk menyatakan signifikansi masalah. Pada uraian pendahuluan sebaiknya disertai data-data epidemiologi, prevalensi, insiden, atau seberapa sering masalah tersebut ditemukan untuk memberikan gambaran besarnya masalah.
Pada bagian kedua pendahuluan menguraikan pentingnya masalah sehingga harus diteliti dengan didukung literatur terkini dan relevan. Kemukakan apa yang telah diketahui dan belum diketahui dari penelitian sebelumnya, tetapi tidak perlu disampaikan secara rinci. Bila rincian dari literatur dianggap penting, dapat dikemukakan dalam pembahasan.
Paragraf terakhir menyatakan tujuan penelitian yang isinya harus sejalan dengan judul penelitian.
Subjek dan Metode
Subjek dan Metode penelitian harus ditulis secara rinci dan lengkap dengan menyebutkan desain penelitian, waktu dan tempat penelitian, populasi dan subjek, kriteria inklusi, kriteria eksklusi, kriteria pengeluaran, formula penentuan besar sampel, besar sampel dan jumlah kelompok perlakuan, teknik pengambilan sampel, teknik alokasi sampel ke dalam kelompok perlakuan, pernyataan persetujuan komite etik penelitian kesehatan dengan mencantumkan nomor surat persetujuan, pernyataan informed consent, alur/cara kerja penelitian, metode analisis statistik yang dilakukan dan program komputer yang digunakan.
Pada alur kerja harus diterangkan variabel penelitian yang diukur, juga tentang informasi teknis tentang pengukuran atau pemeriksaan yakni pemeriksa, peralatan sebutkan merk dan pabrik) dan prosedur. Jelaskan obat yang digunakan termasuk nama generik, dosis, dan cara pemberian.
Pada bagian awal hasil disampaikan hasil utama penelitian berisi data yang diperoleh tanpa menafsirkan artinya (tidak perlu diberi ulasan, komentar, dan lain-lain), namun demikian perlu diberi kalimat pengantar agar terdapat alur yang mudah diikuti. Hasil penelitian harus disampakain sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian (pertanyaan-pertanyan penelitian) yang dikemukakan dengan urutan yang logis sesuai dengan urutan pada naskah artikel penelitian. Penyajian dimulai dengan karakteristik sampel penelitian diikuti dengan data-data utama penelitian yang dapat disajikan dalam bentuk tabel, grafik, gambar atau narasi tekstual. Setiap hasil penelitian harus dicantumkan analisis statistik yang digunakan.
Narasi hasil dan analisis statistik ditulis mendahului tabel/grafik dan hanya menyatakan intisari tabel/grafik (tidak mengulang setiap informasi yang telah disajikan dalam tabel/grafik/gambar). Narasi berisikan klarifikasi terhadap informasi hasil di dalam tabel/grafik. Dengan demikian, harus dihindari pengulangan hal-hal yang telah disajikan dalam tabel atau gambar, melainkan hanya menyebutkan sebagian diantaranya untuk memberi penekanan.
Tabel atau gambar harus sesuai dengan teks. Hindari tabel atau gambar yang tidak terdapat dalam teks. Jumlah total maksimal dari tabel, gambar, dan atau grafik adalah 6 buah dan harus relevan dengan hasil.
Pada pembahasan diuraikan tentang diskusi yang membahas, mengungkapkan, dan menjelaskan apa yang telah dikemukakan pada bagian hasil dilandasi dengan teori-teori yang mendukung. Proporsi uraian pembahasan harus lebih banyak dari pendahuluan. Penulis harus membahas arti kemaknaan statistik yang didapatkan dari analisis statistika terhadap hasil penelitian dengan didukung referensi/teori/data yang valid, tidak hanya menyatakan ada atau tidak ada perbedaan bermakna.
Penjelasan/interpretasi/analisis terhadap hasil penelitian yang diperoleh diuraikan secara teoritis menggunakan literatur terkini dengan mencantumkan rujukan (hati-hati plagiarisme) sehingga hasil-hasil penelitian diintegrasikan ke dalam kumpulan pengetahuan yang telah mapan.
Pembahasan disampaikan secara sistematis dengan urutan logis sesuai dengan urutan penyampaian hasil penelitian. Sampaikan implikasi teoritis dan praktis hasil penelitian. Diskusi tidak boleh mengulang setiap data yang telah disajikan dalam hasil secara rinci, kecuali untuk menekankan hal-hal penting atau sebagai pengantar diskusi dan tidak mencantumkan lagi tabel dan gambar.
Hasil penelitian perlu dibandingkan dengan hasil penelitian terkini sebelumnya yang relevan, tunjukkan aspek baru dari penelitian serta persamaan dan perbedaannya. Bila ada ketidaksesuaian dengan penelitian lain, jelaskan mengapa hasil penelitian berbeda dengan penelitian sejenis. Temuan penelitian lain yang mendukunng temuan penelitian penulis dapat disampaikan pada hasil dan pembahasan sehingga memperkuat pentingnya hasil penelitian.
Setelah pembahasan teoritis dikemukakan dengan lengkap, sampaikan generalisasi hasil penelitian pada populasi nyata beserta keterbatasannya. Pada bagian akhir hendaknya disampaikan kekuatan dan kelemahan/keterbatasan penelitian agar dapat dihindari pada penelitian mendatang.
Simpulan ditulis terpisah sebagai judul pokok bahasan baru. Simpulan ditulis ringkas, padat, dan relevan dengan judul, tujuan, dan hasil penelitian. Dalam simpulan jangan mengulang abstrak, data/hasil statistika penelitian, dan diskusi. Sampaikan apa yang penulis inginkan dari pembaca untuk diingat dari penelitian.
Tabel disusun berurutan sesuai dengan keterangan di dalam teks. Setiap tabel diberi judul singkat dan jelas, sehingga setiap tabel dapat dipandang berdiri sendiri. Tempatkan penjelasan dan singkatan pada keterangan tabel, bukan pada judul tabel. Jangan gunakan garis vertikal antar kolom. Gunakan garis horizontal di atas dan di bawah tajuk kolom dan di bagian bawah tabel saja. Jumlah tabel maksimal 6 buah.
Gambar/Foto yang mungkin dapat dikenali harus disertai izin tertulis. Gambar yang pernah dipublikasikan harus diberi acuan. Gambar/foto harus diberi nomor urut sesuai dengan pemunculan dalam teks. Kualitas gambar terbaik diperlukan untuk publikasi maka gambar juga dapat diunggah dalam format gambar (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, atau EPS) pada supplementary files. Resolusi minimum untuk semua gambar dalam [warna dalam RGB (mode merah, hijau, biru) atau skala abu-abu] setidaknya 300 dpi (titik per inci). Resolusi yang disarankan untuk line art (bagan atau gambar yang mengandung elemen tipografi) adalah 600 dpi. Untuk film x-ray, pemindaian, dan gambar diagnostik lainnya, serta gambar spesimen patologi atau fotomikrograf, cetakan foto hitam-putih atau berwarna, berukuran 5×7 inci (127×178 mm).
Daftar Pustaka
Rujukan ditulis sesuai aturan penulisan Vancouver, diberi nomor urut sesuai dengan pemunculan dalam artikel, bukan menurut abjad. Cantumkan nama penulis maksimal 6 orang, apabila lebih, tulis nama 6 orang pertama, selanjutnya dkk. Jumlah rujukan minimal 10 dari terbitan 10 tahun terakhir. Rujukan diupayakan 80% dari jurnal atau kepustakaan primer dan maksimal 20% dari buku ajar.
Artikel Standar
Ramsey BW, Banks-Schlegel S, Accurso FJ, Boucher RC, Cutting GR, Engelhardt JF, dkk. Future directions in early cystic fibrosis lung disease research: an NHLBI workshop report. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012;185(8):887−92.
Artikel Standar dengan DOI
Tewfik G, Naftalovich R, Kaushal N, Zhang K. Adverse event and complication tracking in anaesthesiology: dependence on self-reporting despite implementation of electronic health records. Br J Anaesth. 2022;128(1):e28-e32. doi:10.1016/j.bja.2021.10.019
Volume dengan Supplemen
Hogan DR, Salomon JA. Spline-based modelling of trends in the force of HIV infection, with application to the UNAIDS Estimation and Projection Package. Sex Transm Infect. 2012;(88 Suppl 2):S52−7.
Edisi dengan Suplemen
Offley SC, Coyne E, Horodyski M, Rubery PT, Zeidman SM, Rechtine GR. Randomized trial demonstrates that extended-release epidural morphine may provide safe pain control for lumbar surgery patients. Surg Neurol Int. 2013;4(Suppl 2):S51-7.
Buku dan Monograf Lain
Hensley FA, Martin DE, Gravlee GP. A practical approach to cardiac anesthesia. Edisi ke-5. Philadephia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer; 2013.
Bab dalam Buku
Woods B. Abdominal trauma. Dalam: Lee K, penyunting. The neuro ICU book. China: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc; 2012. hlm. 468−81.
Makalah dalam Konferensi
Sitanggang RH. SvO2 monitoring (mixed venous oxygen saturation). Dalam: Indonesian Society of Anesthesiologists and Reanimation (IDSAI) West Java, penyunting. Indonesian Society of Anesthesiologists and Reanimation (IDSAI) West Java. of the 5th Indonesia Symposium of Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care; 2010 Mei 14-15; Bandung, Indonesia. Bandung: Pediatrik; 2010. hlm 7−12.
Prosiding Konferensi
Indonesian Society of Anesthesiologists and Reanimation (IDSAI) West Java. Proceedings of the 5th Indonesia Symposium of Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care; 2010 Mei 14-15; Bandung. Indonesia. Indonesia: IDSAI; 2010.
Maskoen TT. Peran polimorfisme G972A gen IRS-1 terhadap peningkatan kadar IGFBP-1 dan risiko kematian pada penderita sepsis berat dengan hiperglikemia [disertasi]. Bandung: Universitas Padjadjaran; 2009.
Materi Elektronik
MedlinePlus. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US). General anesthesia. [Internet] 2020 [dikutip 15 Juli 2021]. Tersedia dari:
Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif (JAP) is a scientific publication that is published every four months using a peer review system for article selection. Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif (JAP) accepts original research articles and case reports relevant to the fields of anesthesiology and intensive care therapy with the following guidelines:
Research Articles
Original research articles in the fields of anesthesiology and intensive care therapy. The format for research articles includes a title page in both Indonesian and English, an abstract in both Indonesian and English, an introduction, subjects and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and a references.
Case Reports
Case reports contain written accounts of the management of interesting clinical cases in the fields of anesthesiology and intensive care therapy, whether basic or applied research, which should be disseminated. The format for case reports includes a title in both Indonesian and English, an abstract in both Indonesian and English, an introduction, case description, discussion, conclusion, and a references.
Submission Guidelines
All manuscripts to be published in Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif must be submitted via our website at by first registering an account. For further information regarding the submission process, please contact our secretariat at
General Guidelines
To avoid duplication, JAP does not accept articles that have already been published or are currently under submission to another journal, as confirmed by signing a declaration letter. Authors must ensure that all co-authors have given their approval. If it is discovered that an article has been published in another journal, the article will be canceled in the next edition of JAP.
All articles will be reviewed by experts in the relevant scientific fields (peer review) and the editorial board. Articles that require revisions will be returned to the authors. Research articles must obtain approval from the research ethics committee or consider ethical aspects of the research that can be accounted for.
Article Writing
Manuscripts should be typed in *.doc, *.docx, or *.rtf format on A4-sized paper with 4 cm margins on the left and top, and 3 cm margins on the right and bottom. The font type should be Times New Roman, size 12, and the text should be written with double spacing. The maximum number of pages is 20. Each page should be numbered consecutively, starting from the title page to the last page.
Title Page
The title page should include the article title in both Indonesian and English, the author's name with full academic degrees, the name of the institution, the name and correspondence address, phone number, fax number, and email address. The article title should be concise, informative, and descriptive.
Abstract and Keywords
The abstract should be written in both Indonesian and English. The abstract should be consistent with the content of the article and self-explanatory, including a brief background of the research, objectives, materials and methods used, findings, and conclusions. The abstract should be written with single spacing, containing no more than 200 words for the Indonesian abstract and 250 words for the English abstract, and should be followed by 3–5 keywords listed alphabetically.
The introduction outlines the background and objectives of the research, which should be written in paragraphs without subheadings. The content of the introduction should guide the reader to understand and align with the author's idea that the research being conducted is necessary and justified.
The introduction typically consists of 2-3 short paragraphs, making up no more than 20% of the entire article. The first part of the introduction provides the background of the research, explaining the situational context and conditions, including relevant facts to highlight the significance of the issue. The introduction should include epidemiological data, prevalence, incidence, or how often the issue occurs, to give a sense of the scope of the problem.
The second part of the introduction explains the importance of the issue and why it should be researched, supported by the latest and relevant literature. It should address what is already known and what remains unknown from previous studies, though without going into detailed specifics. If detailed information from the literature is considered important, it can be discussed in the discussion section.
The final paragraph states the research objectives, which should align with the research title.
Subjects and Methods
The subjects and methods section should be written in detail, including the research design, time and place of the study, population and subjects, inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria, discharge criteria, sample size determination formula, sample size, and number of treatment groups. It should also describe the sampling technique, sample allocation method into treatment groups, statement of approval from the health research ethics committee, including the approval letter number, informed consent statement, workflow of the research, statistical analysis methods used, and the computer program employed.
The workflow should describe the research variables that were measured, as well as technical information about the measurements or examinations, such as the examiner, equipment (including brand and manufacturer), and procedures. Any medications used should be explained, including the generic name, dosage, and administration method.
At the beginning of the results section, the main findings of the research should be presented, containing the data obtained without interpreting their meaning (no need to provide reviews, comments, etc.). However, an introductory sentence is necessary to ensure a smooth flow that is easy to follow. The research results must be presented in accordance with the research objectives (research questions), in a logical order consistent with the structure of the manuscript. The presentation should begin with the characteristics of the research sample, followed by the main research data, which can be presented in the form of tables, graphs, figures, or textual narratives. Each research result must include the statistical analysis used.
The narrative of the results and statistical analysis should precede the tables/figures and only summarize the essence of the tables/figures (without repeating any information already presented in the table/figure/image). The narrative should clarify the result information found in the table/figure. Therefore, repetition of content already shown in the table or figure should be avoided, mentioning only key points for emphasis.
Tables or figures should align with the text. Avoid including tables or figures that are not referenced in the text. The total number of tables, figures, and/or graphs should not exceed 6 and must be directly relevant to the results.
The discussion section elaborates on the findings, exploring and explaining what has been presented in the results section, based on supporting theories. The discussion should be more extensive than the introduction. The author must discuss the significance of the statistical results obtained from the statistical analysis, supported by valid references, theories, or data, rather than simply stating whether or not there is a significant difference.
The explanation, interpretation, or analysis of the research findings should be described theoretically, using the latest literature, while including proper references (and avoiding plagiarism) so that the research results are integrated into the established body of knowledge.
The discussion should be presented systematically and logically, in alignment with the order in which the research results were presented. It should include both the theoretical and practical implications of the findings. The discussion should not repeat data already presented in the results section in detail, except for emphasizing key points or as an introduction to the discussion. No additional tables or figures should be included.
The results of the study should be compared with the results of relevant recent studies, highlighting new aspects of the study as well as similarities and differences. If there are discrepancies with other studies, the author should explain why the results differ from similar research. Other research findings that support the author's conclusions may also be included.
The conclusion should be written separately as a new section heading. It must be concise, clear, and directly related to the title, objectives, and results of the research. Do not repeat the abstract, statistical data/results, or discussion in the conclusion. The conclusion should convey the key takeaways that the author wants the reader to remember from the research.
Tables should be organized sequentially according to the information in the text. Each table should have a short and clear title, so that it can stand alone. Explanations and abbreviations should be placed in the table caption, not in the table title. Do not use vertical lines between columns. Only horizontal lines should be used above and below the column headers and at the bottom of the table. The maximum number of tables allowed is 6.
Images/photos that are recognizable must be accompanied by written permission. Images that have been previously published must be properly referenced. Images/photos should be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text. The best image quality is required for publication, so images can also be uploaded in image formats (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, or EPS) as supplementary files. The minimum resolution for all images in color (RGB mode) or grayscale should be at least 300 dpi (dots per inch). The recommended resolution for line art (charts or images with typographic elements) is 600 dpi. For x-ray films, scans, and other diagnostic images, as well as images of pathology specimens or photomicrographs, black photo prints are preferred.
References should be written in Vancouver style (AMA style) and numbered according to their order of appearance in the article, not alphabetically. The maximum number of authors to be included in a reference is six. If there are more than six authors, list the first six authors followed by "dkk." The minimum number of references in a manuscript is 10, all from the last 10 years. Eighty percent of the references should be journal articles, with the remaining 20% consisting of textbooks.
Journal Articles
Standard Article
Ramsey BW, Banks-Schlegel S, Accurso FJ, Boucher RC, Cutting GR, Engelhardt JF, dkk. Future directions in early cystic fibrosis lung disease research: an NHLBI workshop report. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012;185(8):887−92.
Standard Article with DOI
Tewfik G, Naftalovich R, Kaushal N, Zhang K. Adverse event and complication tracking in anaesthesiology: dependence on self-reporting despite implementation of electronic health records. Br J Anaesth. 2022;128(1):e28-e32. doi:10.1016/j.bja.2021.10.019
Volume with Supplement
Hogan DR, Salomon JA. Spline-based modelling of trends in the force of HIV infection, with application to the UNAIDS Estimation and Projection Package. Sex Transm Infect. 2012;(88 Suppl 2):S52−7.
Issue with Supplement
Offley SC, Coyne E, Horodyski M, Rubery PT, Zeidman SM, Rechtine GR. Randomized trial demonstrates that extended-release epidural morphine may provide safe pain control for lumbar surgery patients. Surg Neurol Int. 2013;4(Suppl 2):S51-7.
Books and Other Monographs
Hensley FA, Martin DE, Gravlee GP. A practical approach to cardiac anesthesia. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer; 2013.
Chapter in a Book
Woods B. Abdominal trauma. In: Lee K, penyunting. The neuro ICU book. China: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc; 2012. hlm. 468−81.
Conference Paper
Sitanggang RH. SvO2 monitoring (mixed venous oxygen saturation). In: Indonesian Society of Anesthesiologists and Reanimation (IDSAI) West Java, editor. Indonesian Society of Anesthesiologists and Reanimation (IDSAI) West Java of the 5th Indonesia Symposium of Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care; May 14-15, 2010; Bandung, Indonesia. Bandung: Pediatrik; 2010. hlm. 7−12.
Conference Proceedings
Indonesian Society of Anesthesiologists and Reanimation (IDSAI) West Java. Proceedings of the 5th Indonesia Symposium of Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care; May 14-15, 2010; Bandung, Indonesia. Indonesia: IDSAI; 2010.
Maskoen TT. Peran polimorfisme G972A gen IRS-1 terhadap peningkatan kadar IGFBP-1 dan risiko kematian pada penderita sepsis berat dengan hiperglikemia [dissertation]. Bandung: Universitas Padjadjaran; 2009.
MedlinePlus. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US). General anesthesia. [Internet] 2020 [diupdate 24 Juni 2020] [diunduh 15 Juli 2021]. Available from:
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format (.doc, .docx, .rtf).
- Upload the Author Form in Supplementary files (.doc or .pdf)
- Upload the copy of Ethical Approval in Supplementary files (.pdf)
- The file must be according to Author Guidlines >
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
Copyright Notice
Authors retain copyright and grant Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to freely share and remix the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
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