Pengaruh Premedikasi Ketamin 0,3 Mg/kgBB terhadap Respons Tubuh Pasien Saat Insersi Jarum Spinal dan Penerimaan Pasien

Ardi Janardika, Ezra Oktaliansah, M. Andy Prihartono


Pemberian premedikasi dapat mengurangi kecemasan preoperatif dan respons tubuh pasien saat insersi jarum spinal. Premedikasi membuat intervensi spinal menjadi lebih nyaman bagi pasien, pasien kooperatif selama penyuntikan, dan mengurangi respons saat insersi jarum spinal. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui pengaruh premedikasi ketamin 0,3 mg/kgBB yang diberikan 3 menit sebelum dilakukan anestesi spinal terhadap respons tubuh pasien saat insersi jarum spinal dan penerimaan pasien terhadap anestesi spinal. Penelitian dilakukan periode Agustus–Desember 2020 di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Penelitian bersifat komparatif eksperimental dengan menggunakan uji klinis acak buta ganda terhadap 46 subjek yang dibagi acak ke dalam 2 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol (kelompok C, n=23) dan kelompok premedikasi ketamin (kelompok K, n=23). Pascapemberian premedikasi ketamin dinilai respons tubuh pasien saat insersi jarum spinal menggunakan prick response score dan penerimaan pasien dengan numeric rating scale. Analisis statistik untuk respons penyuntikan dan penerimaan pasien diuji dengan tes chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan respons tubuh pasien saat insersi jarum spinal berkurang (p<0,01) dan penerimaan pasien meningkat (p<0,01) pada kelompok perlakuan. Simpulan penelitian, yaitu premedikasi ketamin 0,3 mg/kgBB yang diberikan 3 menit sebelum anestesi spinal menurunkan respons tubuh pasien saat insersi jarum spinal dan meningkatkan penerimaan pasien terhadap anestesi spinal.


The Effect of Ketamine Premedication 0.3 mg/kgBW before Spinal Anesthesia to Body Response during Spinal Needle Insertion and Satisfaction

Premedication may reduce preoperative anxiety and response during spinal needle insertion. Premedication leads to a more comfortable spinal intervention for the patients, making them more cooperative and allaying response during spinal needle insertion. The aims of this study were to determine the effects of 0.3 mg/kgBW ketamine premedication administered 3 minutes before spinal anesthesia on the patient`s body response during spinal needle insertion and patient satisfaction. The study was conducted in August–December 2020 in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung. This was a comparative experimental study with a randomized, double blinded clinical trial on 46 subjects randomly divided into 2 groups, a control group (group C, n=23), and a ketamine premedication group (group K, n=23). After premedication with ketamine, the patient`s body response were evaluated during spinal needle insertion using the prick response score and their satisfaction using the numeric rating scale. Statistical analysis for response during needle insertion and patient satisfaction was evaluated using the chi-square test. Results of the study showed that patient`s body response during spinal needle insertion were reduced (p<0.01) and patient satisfaction was increased (p<0.01) in the ketamine premedication group. In conclusion, 0.3 mg/kgBW ketamine premedication administered 3 minutes before spinal anesthesia reduces patient body response during spinal needle insertion and increases patient satisfaction on spinal anesthesia.


Anestesi spinal, penerimaan pasien, premedikas ketamin, respons tubuh saat insersi jarum spinal

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