Ketepatan dan Kecukupan Profilaksis Venous Thromboembolism berdasar Pedoman American College of Chest Physicians di Ruang Rawat Intensif Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung
Pasien sakit kritis adalah pasien dengan kondisi mengancam nyawa yang membutuhkan penanganan khusus di ruang rawat intensif (intensive care unit; ICU). Hampir semua pasien kritis yang dirawat di ICU memiliki beberapa faktor risiko yang meningkatkan venous thromboembolism (VTE). Venous thromboembolism merupakan komplikasi yang tersembunyi pada pasien sakit kritis yang dapat meningkatkan angka morbiditas dan mortalitas. Venous thromboembolism dapat dicegah dengan tromboprofilaksis yang sesuai dan adekuat. Pedoman pencegahan VTE dikembangkan dalam beberapa dekade salah satunya oleh American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP). Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui kepatuhan berdasar ketepatan dan kecukupan pemberian tromboprofilaksis terhadap pedoman ACCP. Penelitian deskiripsi observasional retrospektif dilakukan pada Oktober–Desember 2018 terhadap 284 pasien yang dirawat di Unit Perawatan Intensif Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung periode Januari–Desember 2016. Secara keseluruhan proporsi pasien di ICU yang mendapatkan tromboprofilaksis, yaitu 36,1%. Angka kepatuhan pemberian profilaksis VTE di ICU berdasar pedoman ACCP adalah 21,5%. Pemberian profilaksis VTE yang tidak adekuat terdapat pada 12,4% pasien, sedangkan pemberian profilaksis yang tidak sesuai terdapat pada 2,2% pasien. Simpulan, kepatuhan pemberian tromboprofilaksis terhadap pedoman yang diterbitkan ACCP masih rendah.
Adequacy and Accuracy of Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis based
on American College of Chest Physicians Guideline at Intensive Care Unit of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung
Critically ill patients are patients with life-threatening conditions that require special treatment in the intensive care unit. Almost all critical patients admitted to the ICU have several risk factors that increase the occurrence of Venous thromboembolism (VTE). Venous thromboembolism is a hidden complication in critically ill patients that can increase morbidity and mortality. Venous thromboembolism can be prevented with appropriate and adequate thromboprophylaxis. Several thromboprophylaxis guidelines have been developed during the last decades, including the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) guideline. The purpose of this study was to determine the compliance to ACCP guideline by measuring the the accuracy and adequacy of thromboprophylaxis. This retrospective observational descriptive study was conducted from October–December 2018 on 284 patients treated in the Intensive Care Unit of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung. The overall proportion of patients in ICU who received thromboprophylaxis was 36.1%. The compliance rate of VTE prophylaxis in ICU based on ACCP guideline was 21.5%. Inadequate VTE prophylaxis was seen in 12.4% of patients while inappropriate prophylaxis was identified in 2.2% of patients. Hence, the compliance to standards on thromboprophylaxis based on the ACCP guideline is still low in this hospital.
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