Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif is to publish peer-reviewed original articles and case report in clinical research relevant to anesthesia and critical care. This journal is published every 4 months (April, August, and December) by Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran. Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif now also receives articles in English.
Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif (JAP) had online published version starting with Vol. 1 No. 1 with ISSN 2337-7909 of its print version and an online version 2338-8463 in accordance with the policy of BRIN.
Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif is accredited by Indonesia Directorate General for Higher Education (DIKTI) and is valid for 5 years (2020-2024) (200/M/KPT/2020) with SECOND Grade (Peringkat 2, Sinta 2).
Abstracted and indexed in: Portal Garuda, SINTA, Google Scholar, DRJI, EBSCO host, CiteFactor, BASE, Crossref, DOAJ, etc.
Vol 12, No 3 (2024)
Table of Contents
Muh. Rezah Rahim, A. M. Takdir Musba, Ari Santri Palinrungi, Muh. Ramli Ahmad, Ratnawati Muhadi, Muhammad Rum
Samawi Husein Ramud, Tasrif Hamdi, Chrismas Gideon Bangun, Yuki Yunanda
Alfindy Maulana Pohan, Qadri Fauzi Tanjung, Ester Lantika Ronauli Silaen, Yuki Yunanda
Dedi Tanto, Erwin Pradian, Erias Erlangga
Bramantyo Pamugar, Suwarman Suwarman, Budiana Rismawan
Muhammad Habibi Nasution, Dhany Budipratama, Tinni T. Maskoen
Ilman Hakim Arifin, Budiana Rismawan, Ardi Zulfariansyah
Case Report
Andi Hermawan, Adi Kurniawan