Pattern of Prostate Specific Antigen and Gleason Score in Relation to Imunohistochemistry Features in Prostate Adenocarcinoma Patients in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital

Azela Glady, Endah Hamidah, Rahmat Budi Prasetyo, Agung Budi Sutiono


Objective: To review the correlation between prostate specific antigen (PSA) and Gleason score and Cav-1 for diagnosing prostate adenocarcinoma.

Methods: Data were collected from one hundred fifty-nine patients with prostate adenocarcinoma at the Department of Urology, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital in the period of January 2008–December 2010. The PSA levels were measured and classified into <4 ng/ml, 4–10 ng/ml, and >10 ng/ml. The results were then analyzed and compared to the imunohistochemistry (caveolin-1) staining in the literature. The Gleason score was also noted and analyzed.

Results: This study confirmed that positive caveolin-1 expression was related to the clinical markers of disease progression and was predictive of poor clinical outcome after surgery. The PSA results showed that one hundred fourty-one adenocarcinoma patients had a PSA level of >10 ng/ml with Gleason score of gleason 5–6 as the most common score. However, there was no correlation between PSA and Gleason score and caveolin-1 for diagnosing prostate adenocarcinoma.

Conclusions: Caveolin-1 cannot be used to measure Gleason and PSA score due to different markers that have various advantages and disadvantages to predict carcinoma prostate. Therefore, further studies are needed.

Keywords: Gleason score, imunohistochemistry, prostate adenocarcinoma, prostate specific antigen


DOI: 10.15850/ijihs.v4n1.679


Gleason score, imunohistochemistry, prostate adenocarcinoma, prostate specific antigen

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