Mental Health Overview in Bullying Victim Students: A Descriptive Analysis

Yusuf Hanafi Lubis, Ivena Hotmarina Septiani Nainggolan, Linda Mutiara Harahap, Risna Risna, Sashi Pangestuty


Objective: To identify the impact of bullying behavior on the mental health of students who are victims of bullying.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive quantitative study on 105 students in Medan Perjuangan district from November - December 2021.  Sampling was performed using accidental sampling techniques on students living in the study area. A questionnaire was used to collect data and analysis was performed using univariate analysis with an estimated value of 95% confidence of 5%.

Results: More than 70% of respondents received some forms of bullying such as body shaming, intelligence discrimination, and parental work shaming, discrimination based on their religion and beliefs, and abusive words. More than 60% of students were also discriminated, ridicule, and subjected to physical violence. About 50% of respondents were also bullied based on their financial, racial/ethnicity, and skin color traits and received physical abused.

Conclusion: There is a link between mental health conditions and bullying behavior in students who are victims of bullying.


Battlefields, bullying, college, mental health, student

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