Thoracic Radiography Findings of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung

Mareta Tada Kurnia, Iyus Maolana Yusuf, Prayudi Santoso


Background: The prevalence of multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis (MDR-TB) continues to increase, especially in Indonesia. Thoracic radiography examination plays a role in the TB diagnosis by providing findings of typical lesions in patients. The aim of the study was to determine the thoracic radiography findings in MDR-TB patients.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional retrospective descriptive study. This study had explored secondary data from medical records of patients who previously had a clinical diagnosis of MDR-TB and underwent thoracic radiography examinations at the Department of Radiology, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung on July - August 2020

Result: Of 110 data collected, the average age was 37±12.6 years with male patients were predominantly prevalent and 65.5% had large lesions. The most frequent findings of lesions were calcification (94.5%) and fibrosis (90.9%). Other major findings were infiltration (88.2%), consolidation (55.5%), cavity (65.5%), ground-glass opacity (60.9%) while other were found in less than half of the cases such as bronchiectasis (23%), nodule (34.5%), atelectasis (36.4%), lymphadenopathy (34.5%), and others. Interestingly, the miliary pattern was not found.

Conclusion: Large lesions, calcification, fibrosis, infiltration, consolidation, cavities, and ground-glass opacities are the main features of the radiographic findings in the majority of MDR-TB patients.


Multi-drug resistant, thoracic radiograph, tuberculosis

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