Perbandingan Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Toksisitas Antara Drop Vitamin A dari Karotenoid Kulit Pisang Ambon dan ß-Karoten
Pemanfaatan kulit pisang akibat peningkatan konsumsi pisang ambon perlu dilakukan, salah satunya sebagai alternatif sumber vitamin A alami (SUVITAL) untuk mengatasi kasus kekurangan vitamin A (KVA). Potensi karotenoid kulit pisang ambon sebagai SUVITAL belum banyak diteliti. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji aktivitas antioksidan dan toksisitas terhadap hati dan ginjal dari drop vitamin A karotenoid kulit pisang ambon (DKKP) dibanding dengan β karoten (DBKM) pada kelinci (Oryctolagus cuniculus) galur New Zealand White. DKKP dan DBKM dibuat sesuai formula vitamin A per 50.000 IU/mL. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Biologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Sultan Agung selama September–Oktober 2015. Sebanyak 12 ekor kelinci jantan dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok: kontrol, DKKP, dan DBKM. Drop diberikan per oral sebanyak 5 mL/ekor/hari selama 7 hari. Efek antioksidan diuji berdasar atas kadar malondialdehyde (MDA) dan retinol serum darah, sedangkan toksisitas terhadap hati dan ginjal ditentukan berdasar derajat kerusakan hepatosit dan sel epitel tubulus proksimal ginjal. Hasil uji LSD menunjukkan bahwa kadar MDA dan retinol serum darah kelinci yang diberi DKKP tidak berbeda signifikan (p>0,05) dibanding dengan DBKM, demikian juga dengan skor kerusakan hepatosit dan sel epitel tubulus proksimal ginjal. Aktivitas antioksidan drop vitamin A dari karotenoid kulit pisang ambon sama dengan drop β-karoten murni. Drop vitamin A dari karotenoid kulit pisang tidak toksik terhadap histopatologi hati dan tubulus proksimal ginjal. [MKB. 2016;49(1):1–7]
Kata kunci: Antioksidan, drop vitamin A, karotenoid, kulit pisang ambon, toksisitas
Antioxidant Activity and Toxicity of Vitamin A Drop from Ambon Peel Carotenoid and Pure ß-carotene
The increased consumption of ambon banana has resulted in increased amount of banana peel; which opens an opportunity to use them as a natural vitamin A alternative source to prevent vitamin A deficiency (VAD). The potential use of banana peel as a vitamin A supplement has not been much investigated. This study was conducted to measure the antioxidant activities and toxicity of vitamin A drop from carotenoids of Ambon banana peel (DKKP) in comparison with the vitamin A drop containing pure β-carotene (DBKM) on New Zealand White rabbits’ liver and kidney (Oryctolagus cuniculus) . The DKKP and DBKM were formulated according to the formula of vitamin A per 50,000 IU/ml. Twelve male rabbits were divided into 3 groups, i.e., control, DKKP, and DBKM. DKKP and DKKP groups received 5 ml/day oral dose for 7 days. Malondialdehyde (MDA) and retinol from blood serum were measured as the parameters of antioxidant activities while the hepatocyte and proximal tubule epithelium damage score were used to detect toxicity in liver and kidney. LSD test results showed that the levels of MDA and retinol in the blood serum of the DKKP group were not significantly different (p> 0.05) from those of the DBKM group. A similar situation was also seen for the hepatocyte damage score of the liver and proximal tubular epithelial cells of kidney. The antioxidant activities of vitamin A drop from banana peel carotenoid was equal to that of the vitamin A drop from pure β-carotene. Vitamin A drop from carotenoid of banana peel is safe to be consumed and have no effect on hepatic histopathology and renal proximal tubules. [MKB. 2016;49(1):1–7]
Key words: Ambon banana peel, antioxidant, carotenoid, toxicity, vitamin A drop
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