Karakteristik Penderita Dakriosistitis di Pusat Mata Nasional Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo

Rinaldi Dahlan, M. Kautsar Boesoirie, Shanti F. Boesoirie, Angga Kartiwa, Helda Puspitasari


Infeksi sistem lakrimal yang paling umum adalah dakriosistitis. Infeksi biasanya didahului oleh obstruksi duktus nasolakrimalis dan dapat terjadi pada semua kelompok usia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencari jumlah kasus, karakteristik demografi dan klinis, serta pengelolaan dakriosistitis di RS Mata Cicendo periode 1 Maret 2014 sampai dengan 30 September 2014. Metode yang digunakan, yaitu dengan meninjau secara retrospektif rekam medis penderita dakriosistitis di Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo Bandung selama periode 1 Maret 2014 sampai dengan 30 September 2014. Jumlah kasus, karakteristik demografi dan klinis, serta manajemen kasus ini ditinjau. Terdapat 13 pasien (13 mata) yang didiagnosis sebagai dakriosistitis. Sebagian besar pasien adalah perempuan. Usia rata-rata adalah 41,3 tahun. Semua kasus adalah unilateral. Infeksi akut adalah dominan dari pada infeksi kronik. Sebelas kasus diterapi dengan obat-obatan dan dua kasus kronik diterapi dengan dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). Sebagai kesimpulan, terdapat 13 pasien (13 mata) yang didiagnosis sebagai dakriosistitis akut dan kronik. Sebagian besar pasien adalah wanita di usia pertengahan, kasus unilateral, serta penatalaksanaan dengan obat-obatan dan DCR. 

Kata kunci: Dakriosistitis, karakteristik, penatalaksanaan

Characteristics of Dacryocystitis Patients in National Eye Center of Cicendo Eye Hospital

The most common infection of the lacrimal apparatus is dacryocystitis. Infection is usually preceded by obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct and may occur in any age group.The aim of this study was to discover number of cases, demographic and clinical characteristics, and management of dacryocystitis in Cicendo Eye Hospital during the period of March 1, 2014 to September 30, 2014.Medical records of dacryocystitis patients attending Cicendo Eye Hospital during the period of March 1, 2014 to September 30,2014 were retrospectively reviewed. Number of cases, demographic and clinical characteristics, and the management of these cases were reviewed.There were 13 patients (13 eyes) diagnosed as suffering from dacryocystitis with most of them were female patients (92.31%). The mean age was 41.3 years old. All cases were unilateral. Acute infection was predominant than chronic infection. Eleven cases were treated with medication therapy and two chronic cases were treated with dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). Hence, there were 13 patients (13 eyes) diagnosed as acute and chronicdacryocystitis. Most of them were  middle age female patients with  unilateral cases and treated with medication therapy and DCR. 

Key words: Characteristic, dacryocystitis, treatment



Dakriosistitis; karakteristik; penatalaksanaan

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15395/mkb.v49n4.626

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