Perbandingan Kerapatan Kolagen Ligamentum Sakrouterina pada Pasien dengan dan tanpa Prolaps Uteri
Kata kunci: Kerapatan kolagen, ligamentum sakrouterina, prolaps uteri
The Comparison of Uterosacral Ligament Collagen Density in Patients with and without Uterine Prolapse
Collagen density is one important factor in uterine prolapse. Several studies has shown that uterine prolapse patients have lower uterosacral ligament collagen density. The purpose of this study was to reveal the uterosacral ligament collagen density differences in patients with and without uterine prolapse. This case control study was an analitic comparative research of 16 uterine prolapse patients and 16 patients without uterine prolapse who underwent hysterectomy in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung and its networking hospitals during November–December 2008. Uterosacral ligament was sampled and then stained using HE and Masson’s trichrome staining. The significance of the result was analyzed using Mann-Whitney. The study found a significant correlation between collagen density and uterine prolapse, with the collagen density of uterine prolapse patients was lower (15.3%) than patients without uterine prolapse (48.75%). The uterosacral ligament collagen density cut-off point in predicting women having uterine prolapse was ≤30%; with 93.8% sensitivity, 87.5% specificity, and 90.6% accuracy. The conclusion of this study is that uterosacral ligament collagen density in patients with uterine prolapse is lower (15.3%) than patients without uterine prolapse (48.75%). The uterosacral ligament collagen density cut-off point in predicting a women having uterine prolapse is ≤30%. [MKB. 2015;47(4):212–7]
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