Kesesuaian antara Foto Toraks dan Mikroskopis Sputum pada Evaluasi Respons Pengobatan Tuberkulosis Paru setelah Enam Bulan Pengobatan

Ristaniah D. Soetikno, Derry Derry


Evaluasi pengobatan penderita tuberkulosis paru meliputi evaluasi klinis, bakteriologis, dan radiologis. Evaluasi bakteriologis bertujuan untuk mendeteksi ada tidaknya konversi sputum yang merupakan indikator keberhasilan pengobatan. Foto toraks merupakan pemeriksaan yang mudah, cepat dengan biaya yang relatif murah, tetapi belum dijadikan indikator keberhasilan pengobatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kesesuaian antara gambaran foto toraks dan sputum mikroskopis pada evaluasi respons pengobatan penderita tuberkulosis paru setelah enam bulan pengobatan. Penelitian dilakukan pada 246 orang penderita baru dengan diagnosis tuberkulosis paru yang telah mendapat pengobatan tuberkulosis selama enam bulan. Data diambil dari penelitian Proverty Related Infection Oriented Research (PRIOR) di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung yang berlangsung dari September 2000 sampai dengan Desember 2005. Pembacaan hasil foto toraks dilakukan oleh dua orang ahli radiologi. Subjek penelitian berusia 15−67 tahun. Hasil pembacaan kedua ahli radiologi menunjukkan kesesuaian antara penilaian foto toraks dan hasil mikroskopis sputum. Nilai kesesuaian hasil pembacaan oleh ahli radiologi I adalah 0,420 (fair) dan ahli radiologi II adalah 0,446 (fair). Simpulan, terdapat kesesuaian antara penilaian foto toraks dan hasil mikroskopis sputum pada evaluasi respons penderita tuberkulosis paru setelah enam bulan pengobatan. Foto toraks dapat dijadikan alternatif evaluasi respons tuberkulosis paru setelah enam bulan pengobatan. [MKB. 2011;43(3):140–5].

Kata kunci: Foto toraks, sputum mikroskopis, tuberkulosis paru

Compatibility between Chest Radiograph and Microscopic Sputum Examination at Response Evaluation of Lungs Tuberculosis after Six Months of Therapy

Evaluation of pulmonary tuberculosis treatment include clinical, bacteriological, and radiological evaluation. Bacteriological evaluation aims to detect sputum conversion as an indicator of treatment success. Chest radiograph is simple, quick and relatively low cost, but it has not been used as an indicator of treatment success. This study aims was to compare the compatibility between chest radiograph and microscopic sputum in patients with lung tuberculosis after sixth months of treatment. The study was conducted on 246 new lung tuberculosis patients that had received treatment for six months. Data was taken from Proverty Related Infection Oriented Research (PRIOR) at Medical Faculty of Padjadjaran University in Bandung that was held from September 2000 to December 2005. Assessment of chest radiographs was performed by two expert radiologists. Age of the subjects were 15−67 years old. The study showed that chest radiograph assessment was compatible with sputum microscopy result. The suitability value between them was 0.420 (fair) by the first radiologist and 0.446 (fair) by the second radiologists. In conclusion, there is compatibility between assessment chest radiograph and microscopic sputum examination at the responses evaluation of the lung tuberculosis patients after six months of therapy. Chest radiograph can be an alternative for response evaluation of lung tuberculosis after six months of therapy. [MKB. 2011;43(3):140–5].

Key words: Lungs tuberculosis, microscopic sputum, thorax photo



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