Perubahan Gambaran Histopatologi Paru pada Paparan Debu Batubara Memakai Alat Model 2010
Tambang batubara di permukaan tanah mendorong pembuatan alat paparan debu batubara skala laboratorium. Optimasi alat paparan debu batubara model 2010 dilakukan untuk menentukan lokasi akumulasi debu batubara serta perubahan histopatologi paru. Penelitian eksperimental dilakukan pada kontrol (K), paparan debu batubara 14 hari (BB1), dan debu batubara 28 hari (BB2). Karakterisasi debu batubara dilakukan dengan scanning electron microscope (SEM) dan X-ray fluorescence (XRF) di Laboratorium Fisika Universitas Negeri Malang. Pemeriksaan histopatologis paru dilakukan di Laboratorium Patologi Anatomi RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Penelitian dilakukan periode Agustus−November 2010. Scanning electron microscope paru menunjukkan diameter partikel <10 mm dan akumulasi partikel di alveolus. Parenkim paru berupa struktur alveolus tipis (K), penebalan alveolus dan edema epitel edematous (BB1), peningkatan edematous dan penyempitan rongga alveolus (BB2). Epitel bronkus dilapisi epitel silindris, epitel goblet, sel radang yang minimal (K), perpanjangan epitel silindris, hiperplasia epitel goblet dan mukus (BB1). Sel epitel menjadi menipis, lebih banyak mukus dan morfologi epitel menjadi tidak jelas (BB2). Epitel bronkoalveolus dilapisi epitel silindris, minimal sel goblet dan sel radang (K). Hiperplasia epitel goblet yang mendominasi disertai mukus (BB1). Epitel silindris dengan proliferasi sel goblet, mukus, taburan sel radang, dan fibrosis (BB2). Simpulan, alat paparan model 2010 memicu akumulasi debu batubara di alveolus serta perubahan histopatologi berupa inflamasi, hiperplasia sel goblet, dan fibrosis. [MKB. 2011;43(3):127–33].
Kata kunci: Alveolus, debu batubara, histopatologi, paru
Lung Histopatology Changed in Coal Dust Exposure with Model 2010
Coal mining on surface ground stimulate to create coal dust exposure equipment on laboratory scale. Optimation of model 2010 coal dust exposure equipment focus on coal dust accumulation and histopathologic of lung. This experimental study was done in control (K), coal dust exposure for 14 days (BB1), and coal dust exposure for 28 days (BB2). Coal dust characterization was done by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray fluorescence in Physics Laboratory Malang State of University. Histopathologic analysis was done in Pathologic Laboratory Ulin General Hospital. Research was done August−November 2010. Lung SEM showed particle diameter 10 mm and particle accumulated in alveolus. Lung parenchym showed thin alveolus structure (K), thickenning of alveolus and edematous epithelial (BB1), increased edematous and narrower alveolus space (BB2). Epithelial in bronchus layering by cylindrical and goblet epithelial, inflammation cell (K), elongation of cylindrical epithelial, hyperplasia goblet epithelial and mucous (BB1). Epithelial became thick, more mucous, and epithelial morphology became unclear (BB2). Bronchoalveolus epithelial layering by cylindrical epithelial, minimal goblet cell and inflammation cell (K). Goblet cell hyperplasia and mucous (BB1). Cylindrical epithelial with goblet cell proliferation, mucous inflammation cell, and fibrosis (BB2). In conclusions, coal dust exposure with model 2010 equipment trigger coal dust accumulation in avelous and histopathologic changes of inflamation, goblet cell hyperplasia, and fibrotic. [MKB. 2011;43(3):127–33].
Key words: Alveolus, coal dust, histopathologic, lung
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