Hubungan Rinitis Alergi dengan Kejadian Otitis Media Supuratif Kronik
Otitis media supuratif kronik (OMSK) merupakan infeksi telinga tengah yang berat, tidak hanya terjadi di negara berkembang, tetapi juga di negara maju. Prevalensi OMSK di dunia melibatkan 65–330 juta penduduk. Terdapat beberapa teori yang mengungkapkan peran rinitis alergi dalam terjadinya OMSK, teori yang paling banyak digunakan adalah disfungsi tuba eustachius. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan pendekatan kasus-kontrol tanpa berpasangan. Pengambilan sampel dengan metode consecutive sampling sebanyak 80 responden yang terdiri atas 40 responden OMSK dan 40 responden non-OMSK yang datang ke Poliklinik THT RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan pada bulan Agustus–Oktober 2014. Seluruh responden dilakukan anamnesis, pemeriksaan telinga dan hidung, serta mengisi kuesioner Score for Allergic Rhinitis (SFAR). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada kelompok OMSK, 28 orang (70%) menderita rinitis alergi dan 12 orang (30%) tidak menderita rinitis alergi. Pada kelompok non-OMSK 6 orang (15%) menderita rinitis alergi dan 34 orang (85%) tidak menderita rinitis alergi. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara rinitis alergi dan kejadian OMSK (p<0,001). Pasien rinitis alergi memiliki risiko 13 kali lebih besar untuk menderita OMSK dibanding dengan pasien tanpa rinitis alergi (OR=13,222; 95% IK=4,400–39,732). Probabilitas pasien rinitis alergi untuk menderita OMSK sebesar 92,9%. Simpulan, terdapat hubungan antara rinitis alergi dan kejadian OMSK. [MKB. 2017;49(2):79–85]
Kata kunci: Otitis media supuratif kronik, rinitis alergi, score for allergic rhinitis
Relationship between Allergic Rhinitis and Incidence of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media
Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is a severe infection of the middle ear that is seen not only in developing countries but also in industrialized countries. The prevalence of CSOM in the world involves 65–330 million people. There are some theories regarding the role of allergic rhinitis in CSOM patients with eustachian tube dysfunction theory as the most widely used theory. This was a non-matched case control analytical study on 80 respondents, 40 CSOM respondents and 40 non-CSOM respondents, who were sampled using consecutive sampling method at the Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT) clinic of H. Adam Malik General Hospital in August–October 2014. Anamnesis as well as ear and nose examinations were performed and all respondents fill out the Score For Allergic Rhinitis (SFAR) questionnaire. The results showed that in CSOM group, 28 people (70%) suffered from allergic rhinitis and 12 people (30%) did not suffer from allergic rhinitis. In non-CSOM group, the numbers were 6 people (15%) and 34 (85%), respectively. There was a significant relationship between allergic rhinitis and the incidence of CSOM (p<0.001). Allergic rhinitis patients have a 13 times greater risk to suffer CSOM than patients without allergic rhinitis (OR=13.222, 95% CI=4.400–39.732). The probability of patients with allergic rhinitis to suffer CSOM is 92.9%. In conclusion, there is a relationship between allergic rhinitis and the incidence of CSOM. [MKB. 2017;49(2):79–85]
Key words: Allergic rhinitis, chronic suppurative otitis media, score for allergic rhintis
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