Pengetahuan dan Perspektif Mahasiswa tentang Penuaan dan Keadaan Tua
Perspektif akan penuaan dan keadaan tua yang negatif akan memudar bila sejak muda ditanamkan pandangan positif. Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan pengetahuan dan mencari korelasi antara pengetahuan dan perspektif mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran (FK) dan Teknobiologi (FTb) mengenai penuaan dan keadaan tua. Penelitian ini merupakan studi analitik komparatif dan korelatif dengan metode potong lintang. Penelitian dilakukan di FTb dan FK Unika Atma Jaya periode Januari–Mei 2013. Pengetahuan mengenai penuaan dan keadaan tua diukur dengan Facts about Aging Quiz 1 (FAQ 1). Perspektif terhadap penuaan dan kondisi tua diukur dengan Anxiety about Aging Scale (AAS) dan Aging Semantic Differential (ASD). Sampel sebanyak masing-masing 45 mahasiswa FK dan FTb. Data FAQ 1 memperlihatkan pengetahuan mahasiswa FK dan FTb mengenai penuaan dan keadaan tua kurang baik serta tidak ada perbedaan bermakna (p=0,199). Data AAS memperlihatkan kecenderungan responden tidak takut terhadap lansia, tidak khawatir dengan keadaan fisiologisnya, kurang memperhatikan penampilan fisik, dan tidak takut kehilangan. Data ASD menunjukkan kecenderungan responden merasa lansia akan lebih berguna, tidak bergantung pada orang lain, dan mampu menerima diri sendiri. Uji korelasi FAQ 1 dengan AAS dan ASD tidak menunjukkan hubungan sehingga dapat disimpulkan tidak ada hubungan pengetahuan dengan perspektif terhadap penuaan dan keadaan tua.
Kata kunci: Keadaan tua, mahasiswa, penuaan
Students’ Knowledge and Perspectives on Aged and Aging
The negative perspectives on aged and aging will be diminished if positive perspectives on aged condition and aging have been introduced in young age. This study aimed to compare and test the relationship between knowledge and perspective toward aged condition and aging among medical and biotechnology students. This study was a comparative analytical and correlative study with a cross-sectional method in the period of January to May 2013 conducted at the School of Biotechnology and the School of Medicine Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia. Knowledge towards aged condition and aging was measured using the Facts about Aging Quiz 1 (FAQ 1). Perspective towards aged condition and aging was measured using the Anxiety about Aging Scale (AAS) and the Aging Semantic Differential (ASD). There were 45 students from each school.. Knowledge about aged condition and aging of the medical and biotechnology students was quite low. There were no significant differences (p=0.199) between the two groups. The AAS data showed that respondents did not have any fear of old people.They were also not really concern about physiological and physical appearances and were not afraid of lost. The ASD data showed that they tended to have positive views: the elderly people are useful, independent, and able to accept their condition. The correlation tests between FAQ 1-AAS and FAQ 1-ASD showed no correlation. In conclusion, there is no relationship between knowledge and perspective towards aged condition and aging.
Key words: Aged, aging, students
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