Perbandingan Hispatologi Neovascular Tuft pada Retina Tikus yang Mengalami Oxygen-Induced Retinopathy dengan dan tanpa Pemberian L-Carnitine

Raihana Rustam, Kemala Sayuti, Hendriati Hendriati


Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) adalah salah satu penyebab kebutaan pada anak. Metode oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) pada tikus, menilai patogenesis dan terapi neovaskularisasi retina pada ROP. Hiperoksia retina berperan dalam patogenesis ROP dengan meningkatkan Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). L-carnitine (LC) berpotensi melawan stres peroksidatif dengan mencegah pembentukan ROS. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui efek L-carnitine (LC) terhadap neovascular tuft pada retina tikus dengan oxygen induced retinopathy. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari Februari–April 2018 di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas menggunakan 36 tikus baru lahir galur Wistar yang terbagi dalam 2 kelompok. Kelompok 1 diberi paparan oksigen 75% dan mendapat L-carnitine intraperitoneal 0,2 mg/gram/hari. Kelompok 2 hanya mendapat paparan oksigen 75%. Setelah tikus berusia 13 hari, kedua kelompok dipindahkan ke ruangan biasa dan usia 20 hari dilakukan enukleasi dan pemeriksaan histopatologi menggunakan imunohistokimia griffonia simplicifolia lectin (GSL) untuk menilai neovascular tuft. Bobot badan tikus kelompok OIR dengan LC rerata lebih berat daripada tikus OIR tanpa LC. Neovascular tuft yang dinilai adalah rerata jumlah neovascular tuft per 10-4 panjang penampang retina. Jumlah rerata neovascular tuft kelompok OIR tanpa LC sebanyak 62,98±14 dibanding dengan kelompok OIR dengan LC; 22,43±9,87 (p<0,05). Simpulan, L-carnitine berpengaruh terhadap perubahan histopatologi retina tikus dengan oxygen induced retinopathy.

Kata kunci: L-carnitine, neovascular tuft, oxyge-induced retinopathy (OIR)


Comparison of Retinal Neovascular Tuft Histopatological Features in Rats with Oxygen-Induced Retinopathy with and without L-Carnitine Provision

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is the leading cause of blindness in childhood. Oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) method in  rats can help in investigating  the  pathogcnesis and therapy for retinal neovascularization in ROP. Hyperoxia plays an important role in ROP pathogenesis with increased ROS levels. L-carnitine (LC) has protective effects on tissues through its mechanisms against peroxidative stress by preventing the formation of ROS. This study aimed to assess the effects of L-carnitine on rats with oxygen-induced retinopathy in terms of neovascular tuft formation. This study was performed in February–April 2018 at the Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University. xThirty six Wistar rat pups were randomly divided into 2 groups. Group 1 was exposed to 75% hyperoxygen and received 0,2 mg/gram/day LC intraperitoneally. Group 2 was only exposed to 75% hyperoxygen. Both groups were transferred to room air condition 13 after birth.  After postnatal day 20, enucleation was performed to investigate the retinal neovascular tuft formation. Ariffonia simplicifolia lectin immunohistochemistry (GSL) was used to assess the neovascular response. Analysis showed that the average weight of rats  in OIR group with LC was heavier than those in the group without LC. The mean ofneovascular tuft per 10-4 μm retinal section was 62.98 ± 14 neovascular tuft in OIR group without LC and 22.43 ± 9.87 neovascular tuft in OIR group with LC (p<0.05). Hence, LC has beneficial effects on the histopathological changes in oxygen-induced retinopathy in rats..

Key words: L-carnitine, neovascular tuft, OIR


L-carnitine, neovascular tuft, OIR

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