Eksplorasi Dosis Efektif Ekstrak Etanol Daun Kipahit sebagai Antipiretik Alami

Firda Agustin, Andriyanto Andriyanto, Wasmen Manalu


Tanaman kipahit merupakan salah satu tanaman yang berpotensi sebagai sediaan alami antipiretik. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui dosis efektif ekstrak etanol daun kipahit (Tithonia diversifolia) sebagai antipiretik. Sebanyak 24 ekor tikus putih jantan galur Sprague–dawley dengan bobot badan 150–200 g dibagi menjadi 6 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan tersebut ialah tikus percobaan tidak diinduksi demam dan tanpa pemberian sediaan antipiretik (kontrol 0), tikus percobaan diinduksi demam tanpa mendapatkan sediaan antipiretik (kontrol –), tikus percobaan diinduksi demam dan diberi sediaan ekstrak etanol daun kipahit (EEDK) dosis 100 mg/kg BB (perlakuan 1), 200 mg/kg BB (perlakuan 2), 300 mg/kg BB (perlakuan 3), dan 400 mg/kg BB (perlakuan 4). Induksi demam dilakukan dengan menyuntikkan vaksin DTP–HB–Hib dosis 0.2 mL/200 g BB IM. Pemberian EEDK dilakukan secara per oral pada 90 menit pascainduksi demam. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan mengukur suhu rektal tikus menggunakan termometer digital (tingkat ketelitian 0,1ºC) pada menit ke–0 (sebelum injeksi DTP–HB–Hib atau suhu normal), 90, 120, 150, dan 180 pascainduksi demam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian EEDK mampu menurunkan suhu rektal tikus dibanding dengan kontrol negatif. Pemberian EEDK terbaik dalam menurunkan suhu rektal tikus percobaan terdapat pada dosis 100 dan 200 mg/kg BB. Simpulan, penelitian ini  menunjukkan bahwa daun kipahit memiliki aktivitas antipiretik. [MKB. 2017;49(3):139–44]

Kata kunci: Daun, demam, ekstrak etanol, kipahit


Exploration of Kipahit Leaf Ethanol Extracts as Natural Antipyretics

Kipahit plant is one of the plants that have the potential to be used as natural antipyretics. This study was conducted to explore  the effective doses of ethanol extract of kipahit leaf (Tithonia diversifolia) as an antipyretics. Twenty four male sprague–dawley white rats weighed150–200 g were divided into 6 groups and replicated 4 times. The experiment included  experimental rats without fever induction and without administration of antipyretic substance (control 0), experimental rats with induced fever without administration of antipyretic substance (negative control), experimental rats with induced fever and  ethanol extract of kipahit leaf (EEDK) with various doses: 100 mg/kg BW (treatment 1), 200 mg/kg BW (treatment 2), 300 mg/kg BW (treatment 3), and 400 mg/kg BW (treatment 4). Fever was induced by injecting DTP–HB–Hib vaccines intramuscularly at a dose of 0.2 mL/200 g BW. Administration of EEDK was conducted orally at 90 minutes pos-injection of DPT–HB–Hib vaccines. The antipyretic effects of EEDK were observed by measuring rectal temperature by using digital thermometer (correction factor 0.1ºC) in 0 minute (before the injection of DTP–HB–Hib or normal temperature), 90, 120, 150, and 180 minutes post–fever induction. The result showed that the administration of EEDK decreased rectal temperature as compared to negative control. The optimum doses of EEDK administration that decreased rectal temperature were 100 and 200 mg/kg BW. It is concluded that the EEDK has an effect. [MKB. 2017;49(3):139–44]

Key words: Ethanol extract, fever, kipahit, leaf


Daun, demam, ekstrak etanol, kipahit

Full Text:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15395/mkb.v49n3.1124

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