Perbandingan Nilai SpO2 dan EtCO2 pada Anestesi Umum dengan Teknik Low Flow dan High Flow

Hasanul Arifin, Mufti Andri



Metode anestesi umum dengan obat anestesi inhalasi yang saat ini banyak dilakukan adalah teknik high-flow anesthesia (HFA). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbandingan penilaian SpO2 dan EtCO2 antara teknik anestesi low flow dan high flow. Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis acak tersamar tunggal pada 54 pasien dewasa, usia 21–50 tahun, status fisik menurut American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) 1 yang akan menjalani operasi elektif dengan anestesi umum dan intubasi di Rumah Sakit H. Adam Malik Medan. Sampel dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu kelompok A mendapat teknik low flow anesthesia (FGF 1 L/menit) dan kelompok B mendapat teknik high flow anesthesia (FGF 4 L/menit). Dilakukan penilaian SpO2, EtCO2 setiap 10 menit selama anestesi. Uji statistik menggunakan Uji Mann-Whitney U dan t-test pada perangkat lunak SPSS 23. Penelitian ini menunjukkan SpO2 selama anestesi pada kelompok low flow anesthesia 98,63%±0,39%, high flow anesthesia 98,70%±0,37%. EtCO2 selama anestesi pada kelompok low flow anesthesia 33,73 mmHg±0,54 mmHg, high flow anesthesia 32,77 mmHg±0,39 mmHg. Nilai SpO2 dan EtCO2 selama anestesi pada kedua kelompok tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna (p>0,05). Simpulan, menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan nilai SpO2 dengan EtCO2 kedua jenis teknik anestesi.

Kata kunci: EtCO2 , high flow anesthesia, isofluran, low flow anesthesia, SpO2

Difference in Spo2 and EtC02 Values between Low Flow and High Flow Anesthesia

Current general anesthesia method through the use of inhalational anesthetics uses the high-flow anesthesia (HFA) approach. This study aimed to compare the SpO2 and EtCO2 in low flow anesthesia and high flow anesthesia. This is a single blind, randomized clinical trial on 54 adult patients, 21–50 years, with physical status ASA 1 who underwent elective surgery under general anesthesia through intubation at H. Adam Malik Medan General Hospital during the period of October 2014 to April 2015. Samples were divided into two groups of 27 subjects. Group A received low flow anesthesia (FGF 1 liter/minute) and group B received high flow anesthesia (FGF 4 liters/minute). The SpO2 and EtCO2 were observed every 10 minutes during anesthesia. Analysis was performed using Mann-Whitney U test and t-test in SPSS 23 software. This study showed that the mean SpO2 during anesthesia for the low flow anesthesia group was 98.63% ± 0.39, and 98.70%±0.37 for the high flow anesthesia. The mean EtCO2 values during anesthesia were 33.73 mmHg± 0.54 and 32.77 mmHg±0.39 for the low flow anesthesia group and high flow anesthesia, respectively. There was no significant difference in SpO2 and EtCO2 values during anesthesia in both groups (p>0.05). Hence, it is concluded that there is no significant difference in SpO2 and EtCO2 values between low flow and high flow anesthesia techniques.

Key words: EtCO2, high flow anesthesia, isoflurane, low flow anesthesia, SpO2




EtCO2 , high flow anesthesia, isofluran, low flow anesthesia, SpO2

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