Perbandingan antara Penggunaan Asam Amino dan Ringer Laktat terhadap Penurunan Suhu Inti Pasien yang Menjalani Operasi Laparotomi Ginekologi dengan Anestesi Umum

Agung Hujjatulislam, Erwin Pradian, Ike Sri Redjeki


Pemberian asam amino intravena merangsang metabolisme oksidatif sekitar 20% dan mengurangi komplikasi hipotermia pascaoperasi. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui efek penggunaan asam amino preoperatif terhadap suhu inti tubuh. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif intervensi dengan rancangan uji klinis acak terkontrol buta tunggal pada 40 orang pasien berusia 18−57 tahun dengan status fisik American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) I dan II yang menjalani operasi laparotomi ginekologi di Rumah Sakir Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung periode Febuari–Mei 2014. Subjek dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok secara acak, yaitu kelompok yang mendapat asam amino 2 mL/kgBB/jam selama 2 jam preoperasi dan kelompok kontrol yang mendapat infus Ringer laktat. Pencatatan suhu timpani dilakukan setiap 10 menit dari awal induksi hingga akhir anestesi. Data hasil penelitian diuji dengan Uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil penghitungan statistika, didapatkan suhu inti rata-rata selama anestesi pada kelompok asam amino bermakna lebih tinggi dibanding dengan kelompok kontrol (p<0,05). Penurunan suhu rata-rata pada kelompok kontrol (0,11C) bermakna, lebih besar dibanding dengan kelompok asam amino (0,08C; p<0,05). Simpulan, pemberian cairan asam amino dua jam preoperasi dapat mencegah penurunan suhu yang lebih besar dibanding dengan kelompok kontrol selama operasi ginekologi laparotomi.

Kata kunci: Asam amino, hipotermia, suhu inti tubuh


Comparison between Amino Acids and Ringer Lactate Infusion on Body Core Temperature Decline in Patients Undergo Gynaecological Laparotomy Surgery under General Anesthesia

Intravenous administration of amino acids stimulates about 20% oxidative metabolism and reduces postoperative complications of hypothermia. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of preoperative amino acid infusion to core temperature. This was an observational analytic study with cross-sectional design to compare the reliability using the inter-rater reliability method. Subjects were 40 patients aged 18−57 years old with physical status ASA I and II who underwent gynaecological laparotomy at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung during February–May 2014. Subjects were devided randomly into 2 groups; one group was given 2 mL/kgBW/hour amino acid infusion for 2 hours before laparotomy and another group was the control group given ringer lactate infusion. Tympani membrane temperature was taken every 10 minutes throughout the anesthetic procedure. Data were statistically analyzed using Mann-Whitney test.The result of this study was the average of core temperature during anesthesia in amino acid group was significantly higher than control group (p<0.05). The average of temperature decline in the control group (0.11oC) was significantly higher (p<0.05) than the amino acid group (0.08oC). This study concludes that amino acid infusion two hours before surgery will prevent greater decrease in temperature compared to the control group during gynecological laparotomy surgery.

Key words: Amino acids, body core temperature, hypothermia



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