Perbandingan Penambahan Klonidin Intratekal 15 µg dan 30 µg pada 12,5 mg Bupivakain 0,5% terhadap Kejadian Menggigil Pascaanestesi Spinal pada Seksio Sesarea
Menggigil pascaanestesi spinal merupakan efek samping yang sering terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan penambahan klonidin intratekal antara 15 µg dan 30 µg pada 12,5 mg bupivakain. Penelitian adalah eksperimental dengan uji klinis rancangan acak lengkap terkontrol buta tunggal pada 80 wanita yang menjalani seksio sesarea dengan anestesi spinal, status fisik American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) II, berusia 18–42 tahun, dibagi secara random menjadi dua kelompok, kelompok I menggunakan 12,5 mg bupivakain 0,5 % dan klonidin 15 µg, sedangkan kelompok II mendapat penambahan klonidin 30 µg. Penelitian dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung pada periode Oktober–Desember 2011. Perbandingan proporsi kejadian kedua kelompok dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan uji chi-kuadrat, sedangkan derajat menggigil dengan Uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kejadian menggigil pascaanestesi pada kelompok II sebanyak 2 pasien, sedangkan pada kelompok I adalah 10 pasien. Simpulan, penambahan klonidin intaratekal 30 µg pada bupivacain 0,5% untuk mencegah menggigil pascaanestesi spinal lebih baik dibandingkan dengan klonidin intratekal 15 µg.
Kata kunci: Klonidin intratekal, menggigil pascaanestesi, mencegah menggigil, suhu inti
Comparison of 15 µg and 30 µg Intrathecal Clonidine in 12.5 mg 0.5% Bupivacain for Post Spinal Anesthesia Shivering in Caesarean Section
Shivering is a frequently experienced side effect of post-subarachnoid block. This study aimed to determine the which of 15 µg dose and 30 µg dose of intrathecal Clonidine is better prevents Post anaesthesia shivering. The research was conducting by clinical trials of a single blind randomized controlled design. Eighty pregnant female patients with ASA physical status II, aged 18–42 years, who underwent a caesarean section were randomly divided into two groups, spinal anesthesia performed by using 12.5 0.5% mg bupivacain and 15 µg clonidine in Group I and the same dose of bupicavain but with 30 µg clonidine in group II. The incidence proportion of both groups were statistically compared using chi square test, while the degree of shivering was analyzed using Mann-Whitney test. The results showed that the characteristics of patient data and the core temperature did not statistically different between the two groups. The incidence and degree of shivering were different between the two groups, with were 2 patients experienced shivering incidence in group II and 10 patients experienced the incidence in group I. It is concluded that the addition of intrathecal 30 µg clonidine to 0.5% bupivacain prevents post-subarachnoid spinal block shivering better than in trathecal clonidine 15 µg.
Key words: Core temperature, intrathecal clonidine post anaesthesia shivering, prevent shivering
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