Blokade Peribulbar pada Geriatri dengan Hipertensi Tidak Terkontrol yang Mengalami Cedera Bola Mata Terbuka
Peribulbar Blockade in Geriatrics with Uncontrolled Hypertension
with Open Eyeball Injury
An open eye injury is an emergency in ophthalmic surgery and requires immediate intervention. In cases of open eye trauma with the threat of blindness, risk factors for geriatric patients with uncontrolled hypertension make it a challenge in managing anesthesia. A 71-year-old man with comorbid uncontrolled hypertension came to the ER at the National Eye Center of Cicendo Eye Hospital with an open eye injury due to being hit by gravel debris. The patient underwent emergency eye exploratory surgery with peribulbar block anesthesia technique with light sedation. Peribulbar block injection approach is inferotemporal and medial canthus using a 50:50 mixture of 0.5% levobupivacaine and 2% lidocaine. Intraoperative hemodynamics were stable and with a minimal postoperative pain scale. Peribulbar block anesthesia with sedation may be an option for open eye trauma procedures in geriatric patients with comorbid hypertension.
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