Hubungan Rasio Neutrofil Limfosit dengan Mortalitas ≤28 hari di General Intensive Care Unit RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang

Muhammad David Riandy, Bernhard Arianto Purba, Yusni Puspita, Rizal Zainal, Legiran Siswo


Rasio neutrofil limfosit adalah metode yang cepat dan sederhana untuk mengevaluasi stres peradangan dan memprediksi mortalitas di ruangan intensif. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan rasio neutrofil-limfosit dengan mortalitas ≤28 hari di ruangan rawat intensif. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional berdasarkan data sekunder rekam medis dengan sampel semua pasien yang dirawat di ICU RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang dari Januari–Desember 2018. Didapatkan total sampel sebanyak 562 sampel, dan sebanyak 347 yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Pada uji analisis regresi diagnosis, kelompok usia, jenis kelamin dan terapi terhadap nilai rasio neutrofil limfosit, didapatkan bahwa diagnosis merupakan faktor risiko yang dapat memengaruhi nilai rasio neutrofil limfosit (p=0,001). Pada distribusi subjek berdasarkan rasio neutrofil limfosit terhadap mortalitas terdapat rerata rasio neutrofil limfosit pada kelompok yang meninggal adalah 17,75±15,06 dan rerata rasio neutrofil limfosit subjek pada kelompok yang hidup adalah 13,63±10,71. Dilakukan Uji Mann-Whitney dan didapatkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan rerata antara rasio neutrofil limfosit antara kelompok yang hidup dan meninggal dengan nilai p=0,009. Simpulan, rasio neutrofil limfosit merupakan salah satu biomarker yang dapat memprediksi mortalitas pada pasien di ICU RSUP Dr. Moh. Hoesin Palembang.


Relation between Neutrophil-to-Lympocyte Ratio and ≤28 day Mortality in General Intensive Care Unit of Dr. Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital Palembang

Neutrophil lymphocyte ratio is a fast and simple method for evaluating inflammatory stress and predicting mortality in intensive care. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the ratio of neutrophils to lymphocytes to ≤28 day mortality in the intensive care unit. This was a crosssectional study on secondary data collected from medical records of all patients treated at the ICU of Dr. Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital Palembang during the period of January–December 2018. A total sample of 562 samples was obtained and 347 of them met the inclusion criteria. When diagnosis, age group, gender, and therapy for neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio value were subjected to regression analysis, it was revealed that diagnosis was a risk factor that could affect the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio value (p=0,001). When subject distribution was assessed based on neutrophil lymphocyte ratio to mortality, an average neutrophil lymphocyte ratio of 17.75±15.06 was observed in the deceased group while the average ratio in survived patients was 13.63±10.71. Mann-Whitney test was then performed and a difference in the neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio was found between the survived and deceased groups with a p value of 0.009. In conclusion, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio can be used as one of the biomarkers that can predict mortality in patients treated in intensive care unit.


Intensive Care Unit (ICU), mortalitas, rasio neutrofil limfosit

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