Tata laksana Pasien Gravida 29–30 Minggu dengan Gagal Napas ec. Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis yang Diperberat dengan Community Acquired Pneumonia

Mariko Gunadi, Suwarman Suwarman, Nurita Dian Kestriani S


Penatalaksanaan sakit kritis pada wanita hamil memiliki karakteristik yang unik karena  perubahan fisiologi selama kehamilan dan janin yang berkembang dalam uterus yang mendapat implikasi yang signifikan. Pada kasus ini, seorang perempuan 27 tahun yang sedang hamil gemeli usia kehamilan 29–30 minggu datang ke Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung dengan keluhan utama kelemahan keempat anggota gerak. Hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium didapatkan kadar kalium sangat rendah dan didiagnosis dengan hypokalemic periodic paralysis. Pasien mengalami gagal napas  sehingga dilakukan intubasi dan diberikan bantuan ventilasi mekanik, kemudian dirawat di Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Gagal napas disertai penyulit community acquired pneumonia. Tata laksana ventilasi mekanik pada wanita hamil di ICU bersifat suportif dengan teknik sama seperti pada pasien tidak hamil, namun memiliki target khusus yang berbeda. Monitoring fetal heart rate (FHR) dapat mencerminkan kesejahteraan janin dan kondisi ibu. Tujuan penulisan laporan kasus ini adalah mengetahui pentingnya target pemberian ventilasi mekanik dan melakukan monitoring FHR pada pasien hamil di ICU.


Management of Respiratory Failure Due to Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis Complicated with Community Acquired Pneumonia in 29–30 Weeks of Gestation

Management of critically ill pregnant women in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) has unique characteristics due to the physiological changes during pregnancy and the presence of growing fetus in the uterine which may present significant implications. This study presented a case of a 27 years old woman with 29–30 weeks of gestation of twin pregnancy who came to Emergency Room (ER) with the chief complaint of weakness in both lower and upper extremities. Laboratory investigations showed a very low potassium level and the patient was diagnosed with hypokalemic periodic paralysis. Patient then experienced respiratory failure at the ER, intubated, and mechanically ventilated and was sent to the ICU. Community-acquired pneumonia was complicating the respiratory failure. Basically, mechanical ventilation management for pregnant patient in ICU is supportive in nature and uses the same techniques employed for the non-pregnant patient. However, the goals are different as it is important to monitor fetal heart rate (FHR) in pregnant woman as this does not only reflect the fetal well-being but also the maternal condition. This case report is intended to show the importance of mechanical ventilation goal and FHR monitoring in pregnant patients in ICU.


Gagal napas; gravida; hypokalemic periodic paralysis

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15851/jap.v7n2.1774

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