Review on Acute Cardio-Cerebral Infarction: a Case Report

Maria Sofia Cotelli, Filippo Manelli


Objective: To present a case of relapsed spinal cord infarction (SCI) as an acute spinal emergency in an in-patient elderly male patient.

Methods: This report presents a case of an in-patient 84 years-old man who was admitted due to acute paraparesis with urge incontinence and sudden worsening after initial improvement. To assess his condition, spine magnetic resonance was performed

Results: The spine magnetic resonance confirmed relapse of spinal cord infarction, which also involved the medullar conus.

Conclusion: This case report presents a very rare event that is poorly described in literature. A strict follow up of risk factors and regular neurological evaluations during ihospitalization are recommended, especially in older patients.


infarction; magnetic resonance; relapse; spinal cord

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