Hemoglobin Level Decrease after Open Heart Surgery in a Tertiary Hospital in Indonesia

Anabella Nifulea, Reza Sudjud Widianto, Rama Nusjirwan


Background: Open heart surgery is usually performed by connecting the heart to a cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) machine. The use of the CPB machine may decrease the hemoglobin level and a very low hemoglobin levelcould cause seriouscomplications.This study aimed to explore the decrease in hemoglobin level after open heart surgery.

Methods: A cross-sectional retrospective descriptive study was conducted on medical records of patients underwent coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery and heart valve surgery in a tertiary hospital in Indonesia in  2018. The total sampling method was deployed to all medical records of patients underwent CABG surgery (n=25) and patients underwent heart valve surgery (n=3).

Results: The decrease in hemoglobin level among young-adult female patients after heart valve surgery was 6.8 g/dl. The average decrease in mid-adult male and female patients after CABG surgery were 6 g/dl and 5.8 g/dl, respectively, and, after the heart valve surgery, the levels were 8.5 g/dl and 5.4 g/dl, respectively. The average decrease in Hb level among late-adult male and female patients after CABG surgery was 6.1 g/dl and 5.4 g/dl, respectively.

Conclusion: Hemoglobin level decreases after an open heart surgery. Therefore, observation on the hemoglobin level to prevent complications and to facilitate early treatment is necessary.


Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery, Heart Valve Surgery, Hemoglobin

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15850/amj.v7n3.1924

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