Lipid Level of Street Food at Cibeusi Elementary School in Jatinangor Subdistrict, West Java, Indonesia

Siti Nur Fatimah, Indri Nurul Hayyi, Adria Adnan


Background: School-aged children have quite high energy consumption demand because they are growing and physically active. In Indonesia, school-aged children frequently consume their additional foods/snacks from street food vendors around their schools. This study aimed to reveal the lipid level of street food in Elementary Schools, in Jatinangor Subdistrict, West Java, Indonesia.

Methods: This study was an observational descriptive study. Elementary Schools in Jatinangor Subdistrict were selected using a random sampling method. Four frequent street foods were fried meatball (in Indonesian: bakso goreng (basreng)), batagor (bakso tahu goreng), crepes, and egg roll were then taken, and lipid level was measured twice using Soxhlet extraction method.

Results: Fried meatball contained 22.10% (±0.23%) or 2.78 gram lipid, batagor 30.091% (±4.14%) or 12.49 gram lipid, crepes 7.14% (± 0.12%) or 0.66 gram lipid, and egg roll 13.66% (±1.63%) or 1.28 gram lipid.

Conclusions: Only the batagor fulfilled the lipid demand in one snack time. It is recommended to minimize the intake of batagor as a between-meal snack for  a balanced nutrient intake control.


lipid level; soxhlet extraction; street food

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