Pengaruh Transplantasi Allograf Pancreatic Stem Cell terhadap Kadar Insulin dan C-Peptide Tikus Putih Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe I

Boedi Setiawan, Hani Plumeriastuti


Penyakit diabetes melitus merupakan salah satu penyakit degeneratif yang hingga kini masih belum tuntas terapinya dan masih menjadi ancaman serius bagi dunia kesehatan di Indonesia dan dunia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kadar insulin dan C-peptide tikus putih penderita diabetes melitus tipe I yang diberikan transplantasi allograf pancreatic stem cell dengan laparotomi intrapankreatik. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 6 bulan (Juli–Desember 2014) di lab. Stem Cell, Institute of Tropical Diseases, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya. Dua belas tikus putih jantan Rattus novergicus galur Wistar dibagi secara acak menjadi dua kelompok . Kelompok pertama (P0) disuntik aloksan 150 mg/kg bobot badan tanpa terapi stem cell . Kelompok kedua disuntik aloksan dengan dosis 150 mg/kg bobot badan dan diterapi dengan 1x106/kg bobot badan stem cell pankreas secara laparotomi intrapankreatik (P1). Akhir penelitian adalah pada hari ke-31 percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar glukosa darah pada akhir penelitian berbeda sangat nyata (p <0,01) antara kelompok perlakuan yang menerima terapi stem cell (P1) dengan P0 kontrol positif, meskipun nilai kadar glukosa darah rata-rata tidak senormal seperti pada hari ke-1. Tingkat C-peptide dan insulin P0 dan P1 berbeda sangat nyata (p<0,01). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terapi stem cell secara laparotomi intrapankreatik dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah, serta meningkatkan kadar C-peptide dan insulin. [MKB. 2016;48(3):135–39]

Kata kunci: Diabetes melitus, insulin, stem cell


Insulin and C-peptide Levels in Diabetes Mellitus Type I White Rats  treated with  Pancreatic Stem Cell Allograft Transplantation

Diabetes mellitus is one of the degenerative diseases in which the therapy still remains unresolved and is still a serious threat to the global health, including to the health of Indonesian people. The aim of this study was to describe the level of insulin and C-peptide in diabetes mellitus type I white rats treated with  pancreatic stem cell allograft through intrapancreatic laparotomy. This study was conducted at the Institute of Tropical Diseases, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya in a 6 month period (July–December 2014). Twelve male white rats Rattus novergicus Wistar strain, were randomly divided into two groups. The first group (P0) was injected by alloxan, 150 mg/kg body weight, without stem cell therapy. Another group was injected by alloxan, 150 mg/kg body weight, and was treated with 1x106/kg body weight pancreatic stem cell throughintrapancreatic laparotomy (P1). The experiment was finalized on the 31th day of the experiment. The results showed that the blood glucose levels at the end of experiment were highly significantly different p<0.01 between the treatment group that received stem cell therapy (P1) and P0 positive control, although the average value of blood glucose levels was not as normal as on the first day. C-peptide and insulin levels of P0 and P1 group differed significantly (p<0.01). It can be concluded that stem cell therapy through intrapancreatic laparotomy can reduce blood glucose levels and increase the levels of C-peptide and insulin. [MKB. 2016;48(3):135–39]

Key words: Diabetes mellitus, insulin, stem cell


Diabetes melitus, insulin, stem cell

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